Tantek Çelik
If you were following me @tantek.com on your client/server/instance of choice but noticed you were no longer doing so, that was due to a recent software bug in my fediverse provider which …
Tantek Çelik
Objective. To help you and your company kick-ass with modern web standards. Summary - Industry Leading Technologist. Manager & technical leader (20+ years).
Tantek Çelik
New this week: the # IndieWeb community deployed a major modern update to the design, usability, and cross-device support of the https://indieweb.org/ home page and ...
current projects. Technorati. technorati.com; politics; attention.xml; XOXO; VoteLinks; GMPG. XFN 1.1; recently completed. publications. XFN Poster co-authored ...
Tantek Çelik bio
Tantek Çelik is Chief Technologist at Technorati where he leads the design and development of new standards and technologies. Prior to Technorati, he was a veteran representative to the …
Running For Re-election in the W3C Advisory Board (AB) Election
May 8, 2023 · Hi, I’m Tantek Çelik and I’m running for the W3C Advisory Board (AB) to help continue transitioning W3C to a community-led, values-driven, and more effective …
A Study of Regular Polygons - tantek.com
by Tantek Çelik, 2001.01.27. regular polygon A regular polygon is a polygon where all the sides are the same, and all the interior angles are the same. Triangle
Box Model Hack - Tantek Çelik
Content. Here is a sample div with class "content". This div is styled almost identically to the "boxtest" div: div.content { border:20px solid; padding:30px; background: #ffc; }
The Elements of Meaningful XHTML - tantek.com
Mar 13, 2005 · "XHTML" Today's Web; HTML 4 and "compatible" XHTML 1.0; Valid; For Meaning not Show. Strict not Transitional; Layout Tables; Avoid <b> <br/> <i> <sub> <sup> <h1 ...
More Thoughtful Reading & Writing on the Web - Tantek - Tantek …
Oct 4, 2023 · Ben Werdmuller recently published an inspiring and thought-provoking blog post: “Subscribing to the blogs of people I follow on Mastodon”. Beyond the insights and excellent …