Juju zombie - Forgotten Realms Wiki
A juju zombie was an exceptionally powerful type of zombie. A typical juju zombie resembled an ordinary zombie, with its flesh gray, leathery and hard. The monster's eyes communicated its desire to destroy all things living.[3] Created by potent magics, they …
Zombie, Juju (CR +1) - d20PFSRD
Zombie, Juju (CR +1) This wretched human figure has tight leathery skin, sunken eyes, and an emaciated frame, yet it moves with eerie alacrity. A juju zombie is an animated corpse of a creature, created to serve as an undead minion, that retains the …
Zombie, Juju - 5th Edition SRD
Juju zombies retain memories and talents they had in life, and some even retain their names and personalities. They are most often created by dark rituals but can also be accidently animated when a corpse is slain by powerful necromantic magic.
Juju Zombie - Monsters - Archives of Nethys: Pathfinder RPG …
A juju zombie is an animated corpse of a creature, created to serve as an undead minion, that retains the skills and abilities it possessed in life.
Juju (PAP39/PZO9039) - d20PFSRD
Dead Zombies: Some juju practitioners create undead, including the actual feared juju zombie—a powerful, thinking form of walking corpse. From these dangerous creatures come most of the fear and misinformation surrounding juju culture.
Juju Zombie | New Monsters for Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition
A juju zombie appears to be an ordinary zombie, although its flesh is less rotted and has a gray color and is leathery and hard. A hateful light burns in the monster's eves, as it realizes its condition and wishes to destroy living things.
Template - Juju Zombie - Realms Helps
Armed with powerful abilities, juju zombies are far superior to the mindless, shambling corpses that most adventurers think of when they hear the word "zombie." A juju zombie appears to be an ordinary zombie at first glance, although it is generally …
Human Juju Zombie - d20PFSRD
This wretched human figure has tight leathery skin, sunken eyes, and an emaciated frame, yet it moves with eerie alacrity. A juju zombie is an animated corpse of a creature, created to serve as an undead minion, that retains the skills and abilities it possessed in life.
Juju zombie - EverybodyWiki Bios & Wiki
A juju zombie is a free-willed, sentient zombie often created from powerful curses or other fell magics. The juju zombie appeared in the Tome of Horrors (2002) from Necromancer Games. [5] The juju zombie appeared in Paizo Publishing 's book Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary 2 (2010), on page 291. [6] ↑ Gygax, Gary. Monster Manual II (TSR, 1983)
Zombie, Juju - Pathfinder Roleplaying Game
A juju zombie is an animated corpse of a creature, created to serve as an undead minion, that retains the skills and abilities it possessed in life. "Juju zombie" is an acquired template that can be added to any living corporeal creature, referred to hereafter as the base creature. CR: As base creature +1. Alignment: Any evil.