Bill White (neo-Nazi) - Wikipedia
William Alexander White (born May 29, 1977) is an American neo-Nazi. He was the former leader of the American National Socialist Workers' Party, and former administrator of Overthrow.com, …
National Socialist Movement (United States) - Wikipedia
The Christianity Identity movement holds that only white people are descended from Adam and Eve and thus human, and often also claims that modern Jews are literal, biological …
Virginia Developer Bill White is USA’s Loudest Neo-Nazi
Mar 1, 2008 · On Oct. 16, 2005, White led an NSM rally that was supposed to kick off a provocative neo-Nazi march “against crime” through a poor, black neighborhood of Toledo, …
Bill White - Southern Poverty Law Center
White also officially became NSM’s national spokesman. On Oct. 16, 2005, White led an NSM rally that was supposed to kick off a provocative neo-Nazi march “against crime” through a …
National Socialist Movement - Southern Poverty Law Center
Before the dust settled, both Herringtons were forced out of NSM. Bill White, the neo-Nazi group’s spokesman, also quit, taking several NSM officials with him. They created a new group, the …
How an FBI Informant Created One of Largest Nazi Groups in U.S.
Sep 25, 2023 · Unlike Brannen, the allegation against Schoep isn’t clearly corroborated by FBI memos. And the accusation comes from a controversial source: former NSM member Bill …
Bill White (neo-Nazi) - Wikiwand
William Alexander White (born May 29, 1977) is an American neo-Nazi. He was the former leader of the American National Socialist Workers' Party, and former administrator of Overthrow.com, …
Bill White - Rogues Gallery
Mar 14, 2004 · Bill was becoming more and more the face of the NSM, and many out there even consider him to be the de facto leader of the group since Jeff Scheop has done a vanishing act …
2005 Toledo riot - Wikipedia
The 2005 Toledo riot, on October 15, 2005, occurred when the National Socialist Movement (NSM), a neo-Nazi organization, planned a march to protest African-American gang activity in …
The National Socialist Movement - ADL
Jan 2, 2013 · A major loss to the NSM was the December 2006 death of Bill Hoff, a long-standing NSM member and its 2008 vice-presidential candidate. Hoff had been an open white …