ZuuL - Julian Fietkau
ZuuL is a turn-based 2D dungeon crawler. You start as the minified Dr. Little and make your way through the maze of rooms. You can carry up to two items at a time. You can find cheese (to …
Zool - Wikipedia
The game is a platform game, relying on smooth, fast-moving gameplay. Its protagonist is Zool, a gremlin " Ninja of the Nth Dimension" who is forced to land on Earth; in order to gain ninja …
Zuul/Game.java at master · silentdragoon/Zuul - GitHub
* "World of Zuul" is a very simple, text based adventure game. Users * can walk around some scenery. That's all. It should really be extended * to make it more interesting! * * To play this …
zuul is an adventure game complete with GUI and graphics!
The goal of the game is to find the long lost treasure of zuul. Once you find the treasure the game will quit. The only other time the game will quit is if you die, or click File ---> Quit. If you click a …
* "World of Zuul" is a very simple, text based adventure game. Users . * can walk around some scenery. That's all. It should really be extended . * to make it more interesting! * To play this …
CSCI 125 Project 3: Zuul . Part 1 . For this project you will work on your own to extend your zuul game by completing the following exercises in the textbook. You can start with the . zuul-better …
Comp 271 Lab 7 - The World of Zuul - pld.cs.luc.edu
Comp 271 Lab 7 - The World of Zuul. Your job here is to make use of polymorphism to add some additional puzzle rooms to the World of Zuul game, contained in zuul.zip. The main() method …
Indecisive613/World-of-Zuul: A simple text based adventure game. - GitHub
World of Zuul is a simple text based adventure game. Players can walk around the university, teleport, eat, pick up items, sell items, and buy items. This project uses Java. To play, create a …
App06: Zuul Game - BNU-Comp-Louis/BlueJ-PartA GitHub Wiki
Zuul game is based on the console-based game Colossal cave adventure. The end goal of the game is to defeat the Boss at the end. The game has 8 rooms which, items have been placed. …
Beginner: Adding a Teleport Room to World Of Zuul
* "World of Zuul" is a very simple, text based adventure game. * * A "Room" represents one location in the scenery of the game. It is * connected to other rooms via exits.