Zara (retailer) - Wikipedia
Zara (/ ˈ z ɑːr ə /; Spanish:) is a fast fashion retail subsidiary of the Spanish multinational fashion design, manufacturing, and retailing group Inditex. [3] Zara sells clothing, accessories, beauty products and perfumes. [4] The head office is located at Arteixo in …
Brands - Inditex
Nurturing a highly intimate relationship with its customers, Zara’s designers respond instinctively to their changing needs, reacting to the latest trends and constant feedback to deliver new ideas for everyone in the right place and at the right moment.
Zara - Vikipediya
Zara (ispancha Zara [θara]) Inditex kompaniyalar guruhining yetakchi chakana savdo tarmog‘i bo‘lib, ispaniyalik magnat Amancio Ortegaga tegishli, u shuningdek Massimo Dutti, Pull and Bear, Oysho, Zara Home, Uterqüe, Stradivarius, Lefties va Bershka kabi doʻkonlarga egalik qiladi.
Zara Story - Profile, History, Founder, Products, Stores, Locations ...
Zara, a flagship brand of the Inditex group, is renowned for its fast fashion, offering a wide range of products for men, women, and children. Its collections include clothing, accessories, shoes, and beauty products, with additional lines for home goods under Zara Home.
ZARA United States | New Collection Online
Discover the new ZARA collection online. The latest trends for Woman, Man, Kids and next season’s ad campaigns.
The History of Zara: From a Small Shop to a Global Fashion Giant
May 22, 2024 · Zara, a flagship brand of the Inditex Group, is one of the most influential fashion retailers in the world. Known for its fast fashion model, Zara has revolutionized the industry by rapidly delivering the latest trends to consumers.
ZARA Official Website
Discover the latest trends in clothing for women, men, and kids at ZARA online.
Zara - fashionabc
Zara, a leading Spanish fast fashion retailer, offers a wide range of affordable and stylish products for men, women, and children. Its collections include apparel, accessories, footwear, swimwear, costume jewelry, and undergarments, designed to cater to diverse tastes and lifestyles.
Zara — Википедија
Зара је ланац продавница који је основао Шпанац Амансио Ортега, који је такође и власник марки као што су Масимо дути, Пуленбер, Страдиваријус и Бершка који сви заједно чине компанију Индитекс. [2] Седиште групе је у Коруњи, провинција Галиција у Шпанији, где је прва Зарина продавница отворена 1975. године.
Brand Analysis of Zara - Strategic Analysis Hub
Today, we’ll discuss the brand analysis of Zara; it focuses on mission, vision, values; customer reviews, social media presence, marketing campaign analysis, web and social media traffic, customer journey, and target audience demographic.