Spaz - Know Your Meme
Spaz or Spazz is a slang word typically meaning "spastic," but is used differently in both American and British English contexts, similar to the word "fanny." The word has historically attracted negative attention from Brits when used by Americans, as "spaz" roughly translates to the slur "retarded" in the U.K.
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How To Deal With Muay Spaz!!! - YouTube
In a state like SA, where Muay Thai style is rare, here are some options to deal with swing and ding (aka spaz) fighters.#muaythai #thaiboxing #mma #thailand ...
Spaz Out - Slang Meaning and Examples - FastSlang
The term "spaz out" is a slang term that is used to describe someone who is experiencing a sudden and uncontrollable burst of energy or emotion. This can manifest in a variety of ways, including physical movements such as flailing or jerking, vocalizations like screaming or shouting, or even aggressive behavior like hitting or throwing things.
Spazzing: Definition, Meaning, and Examples
Sep 5, 2024 · Here, "spazzing" refers to excessive emotional responses, where someone might lose composure due to stress, excitement, or frustration. "Spazzing" is primarily used as a verb. It describes an action or behavior, emphasizing the dynamic and often uncontrollable nature of the reactions it refers to.
spaz, n. — Green’s Dictionary of Slang
Twitter 2 Aug. 🌐 In the U.S., ‘spaz’ is popular slang meaning ‘go crazy,’—but the word is an ableist insult in the U.K. and other countries.
swing spaz - YouTube
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Glokk40Spaz – Swing The Stick Lyrics - Genius
Nov 12, 2022 · Swing The Stick Lyrics: You wanna fuck me cause your boyfriend a bitch, I'm already knowing / Im in Jacuzzi with hella vibes bih put yo toes in / Pussy-ah nigga we been took Mercedes we ain't ...
Spaz - Idioms by The Free Dictionary
To waste time behaving in a foolish, silly, or frenetic manner. Said especially of or by children. "Spaz" is short for "spastic" and may be considered offensive due to that originally having been a derogatory term for someone with spastic paralysis or cerebral palsy.
Tempo tips for a spaz. - Instruction & Academy - GolfWRX
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