Why did they egg Jess’ car? : r/GilmoreGirls - Reddit
Oct 28, 2022 · It’s one thing for Rory to take her frustration out on Jess by egging his car, but her fully grown, adult mother probably shouldn’t be encouraging this & definitely not be a willing …
Rant about Rory/Jess car accident : r/GilmoreGirls - Reddit
Mar 29, 2022 · Yep - and Rory literally tries to take responsibility and nobody lets her, everyone is saying „No Rory it’s not your fault“ and „we no it wasn’t you“ don’t you dare trying to take …
my thoughts on dean building rory a car : r/GilmoreGirls - Reddit
Jun 28, 2021 · The car was a big gesture, and could rightly have been seen as a sign of something a little too intense, and Lorelai cooing over it instead of showing any hint of concern …
Rory and Jess’ car accident : r/GilmoreGirls - Reddit
Feb 8, 2022 · So Lorelai sucks because she slept in her daughters room, Christopher sucks because he attempted to be a father for once, Dean sucks for gifting Rory a car. No mention of …
Just rewatched the Rory and Jess car accident episode… - Reddit
Rory yelling a couple episodes later (and episode later?) about how she was there too is so satisfying. Jess wasn't being reckless, and if Rory had been driving the outcome might have …
Rory’s Prius : r/GilmoreGirls - Reddit
Well Rory was a college student, a fuel efficient car that isn't exorbitant to repair when need be, whose insurance is reasonable, would be the best fit for her. Reply reply Top 1% Rank by size
Jess driving the car Dean built for Rory : r/GilmoreGirls - Reddit
Oct 5, 2023 · A CAR comes with expectations, and Rory’s a teen driver, even if Jess is driving I would not be surprised if Rory crashed it in the future. It’s just a loaded gift It’s why Lorelei was …
Do you think Dean giving Rory a car was appropriate? Was
Lorelei is an emotionally immature parent. we know this. we see it time and time again. this car is a huge red flag. a red flag in a relationship, in safety and just everything. she didn’t even seem …
Lorelai devil egging Jess's car with Rory is bad parenting.
Sep 8, 2018 · It was an accident when Jess totaled Rory's car. Also remember the accident happened because she let him drive, and he swerved to avoid hitting an animal. You can't …
Why do Rori and Lorelei seem to think that egging Jesses car
Idk I think it makes sense to be pissed over Rory’s car getting wrecked even by accident and then that individual going and getting a car of their own. Regardless of it being an accident, you still …