MG34 vs MG42 | WWII Forums - ww2f.com
Apr 12, 2002 · Its velocity is so high that you have to change the barrel and it is heavier than the MG-34. Thatt is why I preffer MG-34, because you can use it as your personal weapons as if it was a Schmeisser or so... I have fired both also. The power of the 42 has no paralel, except for the bloody Browning 0.50... But I think that the 34 is more charming ...
mg34 vs. mg42 | WWII Forums
Jul 20, 2008 · Mg34 vs. Mg42 The 34 is more accurate than the 42 and has the selictive-fire option. The mg42 has a higher ROF than the 34 and is less accurate than the 34. The 42 is more relible than the 34 but lacks the selictive-fire.
MG.34 & MG.42 | WWII Forums - ww2f.com
Jan 7, 2011 · Hi, what was the difference in the rate of fire and the maximum range of the MG.34 & MG.42 in there repected firing modes, Bi-pod (LMG) Tri-pod (MMG) I have this data only, MG.34 Rate of fire: 800 rpm Range: 2000m MG.42 Rate of fire: 1500 rpm Range: 2000m There must of been some difference in the data of the two models when used in the two ...
What advantages did the MG34 have over the MG42?
Jul 5, 2008 · a. MG 34 Modified The MG 34 (modified) is used principally in armored vehicle hull mounts and differs from the MG 34 in the following: (1) Heavier barrel jacket adapted to fit in ball type hull mounts (2) Absence of antiaircraft sight bracket (3) Simplified and easily operated firing pin nut lock (4) Bipod clamps for attaching bipod for ...
How do I use an MG34's Sights? | WWII Forums - ww2f.com
Jul 28, 2018 · The rear sight on the MG34 is an offset "ladder" type. There is one sight leaf, which is adjustable from 200 to 2000 meters.
Burning Out Machine Gun Barrels | WWII Forums - ww2f.com
Mar 20, 2010 · The MG 42 was a fearsome weapon but could not be fired at 1100-1200 rpm for long. Short burst and barrel changes eat into it's specifications. The slower firing MG 34's were often fed from a 60 round drum, still a gunner in a JU 88 would have been busy changing them out but also cooling his barrel.
Bomber Defensive Gunnery questions | WWII Forums
Sep 3, 2010 · - 7.92 rifle caliber guns (not the MG 34 but the MG 15 and MG 81 that were even faster firing than the MG 42 and used a slightly more powerful cartridge than the land weapons). - 13mm MG 131, - 15mm MG 151 - 20mm MG FF and MG 151/20 and some rarer guns like the HS404 and MG 204.
Browning M1919 vs MG42 | Page 4 | WWII Forums - ww2f.com
Oct 29, 2003 · Good point. At the outbrake of war most soldiers carried the K98k, a squad elader would carry and Mp38/40, and a squad would relly on an MG-34 for suppresive fire. The Americans carried more weapons of rapid fire, therefore the need for a machinegun with a largely high rate of fire is deminished. The BAR was the equivelant of the MG-34 in its role.
Widerstand Nest System "Atlantic Wall" | WWII Forums
May 30, 2010 · a twin-MG 34 (two runs side by side) to low-level air defense an ordinary (single run) MG 34 MG 42 in an open field position Furthermore, there were an artillery observation post and two fixed fortress flamethrower. The apron of the base was, as in many other parts of the Normandy coast also provided with obstacles.
Did the Germans have better small arms and a fire power …
Dec 19, 2016 · The MG 34 could never be produced in sufficient numbers, in the first years of the war, the Wehrmacht uses all types of machine guns they could get. The czech ZB 26 was a standard Wehrmacht machine gun too. The MP 40 was a rare weapon compared to the K 98 and usually in the hand of the spuadron leader.