TzTok-Jad Tips : r/runescape - Reddit
Jun 5, 2018 · As for Jad, he's significantly easier post EoC for a number of reasons. For one, damage from his hits is now calculated when the projectile actually hits you as opposed to …
RS3 - Fight Cave: What are my chances of killing Jad with ... - Reddit
Once at jad equipped my abyssal wand and subjugation shield, removed all melee armor and just used ancient blood spells AOE. It was fun lol. Inventory IIRC was prayer pots (5) super melee …
Its possible to beat jad in runescape 3 with this stats?
RS3's fight cave is a joke compared to OSRS since the mobs don't hit as hard. Only thing you need to watch out for since you're going in as a melee style is that you pray melee before any …
Can I kill TzTok-Jad? : r/runescape - Reddit
Sep 19, 2022 · The first Jad spawns on wave 5, and there's a checkpoint at that wave. First few waves are nearly all melees and should be easily safespotted. Once you reach the Jad, you …
TzTok-Jad's healers seem unkillable, what do I do? : r/runescape
Oct 29, 2022 · Using a Shieldbow or a Repriser makes Jad significantly easier. You use Taunt on the healers to draw aggro, and then you can use Resonance to heal Jad's hits and Reflect and …
Does the death touched dart work on Jad? : r/runescape - Reddit
it does, but there are plenty of other ways to cheese jad, he cant one shot you with 99 hp, sign of life ...
Advice for Jad using melee? : r/runescape - Reddit
Jan 30, 2023 · The way to melee jad is to always camp protect melee then swap to ranged/magic as necessary and then swap back to melee. If you're using a warspear you can sit outside of …
TzTok-Jad Melee Strategy? : r/runescape - Reddit
Sep 9, 2015 · As for Jad himself, put your prayers and food on your action bars. Trap him behind a wall and have protect range ready. When you're ready, just start attacking him. Watch him …
Fight caves safespot map : r/2007scape - Reddit
getting to jad is just an exercise in patience and is purely making sure you have the right supplies on you. first time jad spawned, i was too nervous and switched back to range too quick during …
Need help with jad ability bar : r/runescape - Reddit
Build a bunch of Necrosis and Soul stacks on the waves before Jad spawns, pre-summon all your minions after killing the first Ket Zek, then kill Jad instantly with the Weapon Spec + Soul …