Programs - INTO Mason
INTO Mason’s programs empower international students to reach their academic goals while providing additional English language, cultural and social support to help with the transition to Mason.
How to Apply - INTO Mason
Complete a free online application for INTO Mason. This process is specifically for students applying through INTO Mason. If you have any questions, contact us or find more information in our catalog .
Graduate Studies - INTO Mason
INTO Mason offer more than 50 different graduate pathway programs! Each Pathway is designed for a specific master’s degree and your placement will be determined by your English language scores. While in your program, you will enhance your study, research, and academic skills.
Why Choose INTO Mason?
With an INTO Mason program, you can start college life while building your language skills to the point where you can comfortably and confidently attend classes at Mason in any area of study. Our programs are: Academic English; International Year One; Undergraduate Transfer Programs; Graduate Pathways
International Year One - INTO Mason
Students must meet specific progression requirements at the end of their INTO Mason program to move to the next semester of degree study at Mason. Find out more about International Year One programs, including start dates, tuition and fee information.
Current Students | INTO Mason
Our team at INTO Mason will help you build a community outside the classroom to meet American students, learn about cultural traditions and experience all Fairfax and Washington, D.C., have to offer.
Learning Resource Center - INTO Mason
The Learning Resource Center (LRC) connects Mason’s multilingual students to services and resources to improve their English language and academic skills. The LRC, in Room 1305 of the Global Center on the Fairfax Campus, provides:
Academic English - INTO Mason
INTO Mason will determine the best AE course level for you based on your language assessment scores in reading, writing, speaking and listening. The table might help you compare your standardized English proficiency scores with INTO Mason AE levels.
Advising - INTO Mason
All students at Mason have advisors dedicated to help them achieve success by selecting the best classes to fit their needs. At INTO Mason, you will meet with an advisor who specializes in your program of study each semester.
Orientation - INTO Mason
INTO Mason's week-long orientation guides you through the first steps of your academic, cultural, and social journey here. During mandatory orientation, you will: Take the English-language placement exam.