hamon line - BladeForums.com
Apr 13, 2004 · Thank you, Don. I was wondering when somebody was going to mention the most obvious factor. You have to select a steel that is easily differentially heat treated. A steel like …
Hamon - BladeForums.com
Aug 14, 2001 · More complex hamon, greater hataraki, ashi, and other features can be developed by changing the shape of the edge of the thicker clay line. Make the line wavy and you can get …
What's a Hamon line? - Heat Treating Knives, Blades etc - I Forge …
Aug 8, 2006 · A Hamon line is created by controlling the way a blade is cooled when quenched, basicly preventing part of the blade from forming any Martensite. This is achieved by using …
How To Tips for hamon line interaction with bluing
Aug 20, 2004 · The two things -bluing and hamon - are not normally combined. They are sort of opposite effects. Depending on the method of bluing, the hamon should be fine, but the color …
5160 Hamon? - BladeForums.com
Dec 8, 2006 · I cleaned the blade up and gave it a quick sanding at 220. The edge was hard, but I could see no real indication of a hamon.I took it to the etch tank and gave it about 60 seconds. …
How To - Hamons | BladeForums.com
Aug 17, 2020 · The way I understand it is that the hamon line is the demarcation between the hard and soft portions of the steel, and you want this through the entire blade, not just on the …
Hamon lines? - BladeForums.com
May 18, 1999 · etching CAN bring out hamon/habuchi and even the hada (forge-welded grain patterns), but I don't suggest it unless it's a modern homogenous steel sword that you want to …
1084 and Hamon - BladeForums.com
Jun 28, 2011 · Stephan Fowler and others get hamons on their 1084 blades. One thing about 1084 is that is is used for damascus a lot and the very thing that makes a steel hamon friendly, …
Hamon hardly visible, what to do to make it more prominent?
Nov 20, 2008 · If you don't want to do that, lightly etch the hamon line with white vinegar, just for 30 seconds at a time. Apply, wait 30 seconds, wipe off, repeat as necessary. Keep in mind, …
Getting a hamon to really POP in 5160? - BladeForums.com
Aug 26, 2010 · He might get a quench line, or some sort of a temper line, but a true hamon on a steel with that much alloy content is all but impossible. For a hamon you need a shallow …