FPANZ - Home | Fire Protection Association of New Zealand
Formed in 1975, the Fire Protection Association New Zealand Inc (FPANZ) is New Zealand’s peak body for fire safety. We provide information, services and education to the fire protection industry and the community at large.
Membership | Fire Protection Association of New Zealand - FPANZ
A full list of all of our current members can be viewed and/or downloaded below. Members listed below are displayed in alphabetical order. The full downloadable members list is displayed by company size based on staffing levels.
Resources | Fire Protection Association of New Zealand - FPANZ
The FPA is constantly working on Codes of Practice, these will be available for download to assist industry and our members. These are living documents and will be reviewed and updated from time to time.
Product Registers | Resources | Fire Protection Association of
The FPA produce several product registers, the individual criteria around listing products in each one varies as depending on the standards referenced for those product types.
About Us | About | Fire Protection Association of New Zealand
Formed in February 1975, the Fire Protection Association New Zealand (FPANZ) is a not-for-profit member organization and the national body for fire safety. We provide information, services and education to the fire protection industry and the community at large.
FireNZ 2025 | FireNZ | Fire Protection Association of New Zealand
Download information about FireNZ . Our "Call for Paper’s" brochure can be downloaded below. Our Exhibitor and Keynote speakers brochures are coming soon...
Membership | Fire Protection Association of New Zealand - FPANZ
FPANZ Welcomes all New Members to Our Association. To become a member, please review all of the following requirements before completing the membership application pack at the bottom of this page. All companies or individuals wishing to join FPANZ are required to join as a provisional member for a minimum of 12 months.
Resources | Fire Protection Association of New Zealand - FPANZ
Email the completed application and all supporting documentation to [email protected] and cc: [email protected] subject line: "Sprinkler certification YOUR COMPANY NAME" Please ensure all required information is completed and supporting documentation is also included with your application or renewal.
Membership | Fire Protection Association of New Zealand - FPANZ
Membership of the Fire Protection Association New Zealand (FPANZ) is open to all companies, organisations, and individuals who have an active involvement or interest in fire protection in New Zealand.
About | Fire Protection Association of New Zealand - FPANZ
Our current FPANZ National Council 2022: Chief Executive Officer and Council Chair: Scott Lawson. President: Justin McEntyre. Past President: Chris Mak. Elected FPANZ Members Representatives: Nicky Marshall - Protech Design. Bryce Donaldson - Argus. David Prosser - Lifetime Member. Glenn Thompson - IceFire Protection. Garth Moran - Altex . Phil ...