Is Ehyeh, Yahweh, Jehovah, or Jesus God’s Name?
“Ehyeh” (also spelled “ehweh”) and “Yahweh” both designate the eternality and immutability of our God. And when God said “Ehyeh,” He was speaking His own name–speaking in first person.
YHWH: The God that Is vs. the God that Becomes - TheTorah.com
Jan 17, 2017 · The meaning of God’s names, especially YHWH, is central to Jewish theology. Two approaches have dominated: the philosophical, focusing on God’s essence (“being”) and the kabbalistic, focusing on God’s evolving relationship with Israel (“becoming”). Some modern thinkers such as Malbim and Heschel have looked for new syntheses or formulations.
Who Is This God? “Ehyeh-Asher-Ehyeh” - Reform Judaism
When a person responds, "Here I am (Hineini)," as Moses does, God has the means to act in history (Exodus 3:4). The choice of Moses is interesting. Moses himself had been rescued from death as an infant.
I Am that I Am - Wikipedia
" I Am that I Am " is a common English translation of the Hebrew phrase אֶהְיֶה אֲשֶׁר אֶהְיֶה (’ehye ’ăšer ’ehye; pronounced [ʔehˈje ʔaˈʃer ʔehˈje])– also " I am who (I) am ", " I will become what I choose to become ", " I am what I am ", " I will be what I will be ", " I create what (ever) I create ", or " I am the Existing One ". [1]
YHWH - Dr. Michael Heiser
However, over 6800 times the name of God is written YHWH (יהוה) — conventionally vocalized as yahweh, not אֶֽהְיֶ֖ה (‘ehyeh). This naturally gives rise to two questions: (1) Why the difference in spelling? and (2) How is the name pronounced? I’ll address both of these questions in tandem since they are related.
NAMES OF GOD - JewishEncyclopedia.com
Like other Hebrew proper names, the name of God is more than a mere distinguishing title. It represents the Hebrew conception of the divine nature or character and of the relation of God to His people.
Parashat Shemot - The Name Ehyeh - Hebrew for Christians
In our Torah portion this week, Moses asked for God's Name, and God then said eheyeh asher eheyeh (אֶהְיֶה אֲשֶׁר אֶהְיֶה), "I AM that I AM" (or "I will be what I will be"), abbreviated simply as eheyeh (אֶהְיֶה), "I AM" (Exod. 3:14).
Who was Moses supposed to say sent him, "Ehieh" or "Yahweh"
In Exodus 3:13-14, Moses is talking to God: And Moses said to God, "Here I come to the sons of Israel, and I told them, the God of your fathers sent me to you, and they said to me, what is his name?, what will I tell them?"
Hebrew Concordance: ’eh·yeh -- 43 Occurrences - Bible Hub
NAS: gives them up to me, will I become your head? NAS: of the people, And I am one at whom men spit.
'Ehyeh asher ehyeh' vs 'Ehweh asher ehweh' : r/AcademicBiblical - Reddit
Sep 25, 2019 · Basically the Word אהוה doesn't appear in the bible, but if it was it would probably have the exact same meaning as אהיה. Both are theoretically-possible imperfective froms of the root "to be" (officialy it's ה.י.ה). In later Hebrew there could be some diffrences.