We Spotlight Aikijujutsu Master Don Angier - Aikido Health Centre
Don Angier (1933-2014) was born in 1933 in New York, USA. His father was French and his mother was a Mohawk Indian. He was a well known American martial artist who headed the Yanagi Ryu Aiki Ju Jitsu system. He is the only American known to have inherited the title of Soke (rather than assuming it).
Don Angier | Namiryu.com
Don Angier sensei is the Soke, inheritor by direct succession of a classical ryuha, of Yanagi ryu Aiki Bugei of the Yoshidahan. Angier sensei was bequeathed Yanagi ryu by Yoshida Kenji sensei the son of the famous Yoshida Kotaro.
Don Angie
Don Angie will be closed for a private event on Thursday, March 6th. We apologize for any inconvenience and hope to see you soon!
Don Angier – Aikido Journal
Aug 27, 2011 · Executive Editor of Aikido Journal, CEO of Budo Accelerator, and Chief Instructor of Ikazuchi Dojo. Mutual strike or cut. Sword term used to describe the circumstance where two swordsmen strike each other simultaneously. In AIKI KEN terminology, often used in contradistinction to...
About Nami Ryu — Albany Samurai Arts
His love of samurai martial traditions came with his study of the Yanagi ryu of the Yoshida han under Don Angier Sensei and the martial traditions of the Kuroda han as taught by Kuroda Tetsuzan Sensei.
AikiWeb Aikido Forums
Passing of Don Angier, Soke of Shidare Yanagi ryu Aiki Bugei Non-Aikido Martial Traditions. Aikido: AikiWeb Aikido Information. AikiWeb: The Source for Aikido Information. AikiWeb's principal purpose is to serve the Internet community as a repository and dissemination point for aikido information. Sections: home: aikido articles ...
JCS: So Sorry: Angier - EJMAS
My Career in Yanagi-ryu Aiki Jujutsu. by Don Angier. First published in Aikido Journal, 119, 27:1 (2000), 16-23. Copyright © Aikido Journal, 2000. Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved. I was born in 1933 in Utica, New York.
Over 50 years of training in budo, I have been lucky enough to meet or train under many notable martial artists. This year, I want to share my impressions, some deep set, some fleeting, about the men and women I met on the way.
Don Angier, Yoshida-ha Shidare Yanagi ryu - YouTube
My teacher, Don Angier, back in the day.
The Don Angier Yanagi ryu Archive - Facebook
The Don Angier Yanagi ryu Archive . 213 likes · 10 talking about this.
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