GZA, RZA and Bill Murray : Coffee & Cigarettes... - YouTube
Sep 11, 2006 · Bill Murray, RZA and GZA from Wutang Clan talk it out in a cafe. Brilliant scene from JIM JARMUSChs little masterpiece "Coffee and Cigarettes" from 2002.
Coffee and Cigarettes - Wikipedia
Hip-hop artists (and cousins) GZA and RZA of the Wu-Tang Clan drink naturally caffeine-free herbal tea and have a conversation with the waiter, Bill Murray, about the dangers of caffeine and nicotine.
Coffee and Cigarettes (2003) - IMDb
"Coffee and Cigarettes" (2004) written and directed by Jim Jarmush is a very simple movie shot in B/W, a typical in the good sense independent movie. It is a collection of eleven shorts where famous actors, comedians, rock-stars, and musicians played themselves. They drink coffee (lots of it), smoke, and talk.
9 More of the Best Coffee Moments in American Movie History
Dec 29, 2020 · GZA tells Murray he quit drinking coffee because it made him “dream faster,” and the frame rate of the film speeds up and jitters. “Don’t you know caffeine can cause serious delirium?” concludes RZA.
“Coffee and Cigarettes” quotes - Movie Quotes
Plot – Iggy Pop and Tom Waits meet in a café drinking coffee, smoking cigarettes and chatting about the jukebox which isn't playing good music. The White Stripes talk about power conduits. while Alfred Molina and Steve Coogan exchange suspects and low blows. GZA and RZA (Wu-Tang Clan) meet Bill Murray who's working as an undercover waiter.
Coffee and Cigarettes Blu-ray - Bill Murray - DVDBeaver
In “Champagne”, Bill Rice and Taylor Mead listen to Gustav Mahler’s “I Have Lost Track of the World” and pretend to drink champagne instead of the working man’s coffee. It’s a very sad and touching episode, though beautiful in every frame and spoken word.
Coffee and Cigarettes (2003) - Quotes - IMDb
Taylor: [Taylor is pretending the coffee he and Bill are drinking is champagne] I propose a toast. Bill: So what should we toast?
11 Coffee Conversations: ‘Coffee and Cigarettes’ Movie Review
Feb 15, 2024 · When GZA and RZA realize that the waiter is Bill Murray, he asks them to keep it between them. GZA tells Murray that before he gave up coffee, he used to drink it every night so that he could dream faster (echoing Steven Wright’s line in “Strange to Meet You”).
Amazon.com: Coffee and Cigarettes [DVD] : Bill Murray, Tom …
Celebrated writer-director Jim Jarmusch (Mystery Train) serves up this witty and intoxicating brew that's "as addictive as caffeine" (Richard Roeper, "Ebert & Roeper and the Movies") and "as buzzy and ephemeral as, well, coffee and cigarettes" (LA Weekly)!
- Reviews: 522
- Format: DVD
Coffee and Cigarettes Clip 3 - Moviefone
Dec 21, 2018 · GZA and RZA tell Bill Murray to lay off the caffeine in this scene from Jim Jarmuschs Coffee and Cigarettes.