Aquatic insect predators can be classi-fied in four general categories by feeding mode. Some actively search for prey, others ambush prey or "sit and wait" for prey to encounter them, but the strategy followed by individual predators is not always fixed. For example, hungry dam-selfly nymphs (Coenagrionidae) may abandon perches and search for ...
Mechanisms by which predators mediate host–parasite interactions in ...
Oct 1, 2021 · Here, we review the mechanisms by which predators can mediate host–parasite interactions in aquatic prey. We highlight how life histories of aquatic hosts and parasites influence transmission pathways and describe how such pathways intersect with predation to shape disease dynamics.
The complex structure of aquatic food webs emerges from a few …
Feb 28, 2025 · Reconstruction of aquatic food-webs using a size-only model in marine, lake, and stream ecosystems (orange, brown, and gray labels, respectively), with predator–prey links either predicted...
Chemical ecology of predator–prey interactions in aquatic …
Here, we review the nature and role of predator kairomones, chemical alarm cues, disturbance cues, and diet cues on the behaviour, morphology, life history, and survival of aquatic prey, focusing primarily on the discoveries from the last decade.
Aquatic top predator prefers terrestrial prey in an intermittent …
Jan 21, 2025 · Here, we investigated the propensity of a giant water bug, Abedus, to prey preferentially on terrestrial taxa in fishless, intermittent streams and discuss the significance of this preference in the context of ecosystems that have highly fluctuating P/A ratios.
Environmental constraints upon locomotion and predator–prey ...
The protection and sustainable management of all aquatic habitats requires greater understanding of how environmental constraints influence aquatic organisms. Locomotion and predator–prey interactions are intimately linked and fundamental to the …
Aquatic Insect Predator-Prey Relations - Oxford Academic
Aquatic insects have numerous adaptations reflecting the coevolution of predators and prey. Predators have a wide variety of search, capture, and consumption mechanisms, and prey demonstrate various physical, chemical, and behavioral defenses.
Mechanisms underlying the control of responses to predator …
Prey use chemicals released by predators (including cues from a predator's diet) and other prey (such as alarm cues and disturbance cues) to mediate a range of behavioural, morphological and life-history antipredator defences.
(PDF) Aquatic predator-prey interactions - ResearchGate
Jan 1, 2000 · The selected preys included both aquatic (Gasteropoda, Crustacea, Plecoptera, Trichoptera, Ephemeroptera, Coleoptera, Diptera, and Odonata) and terrestrial organisms (adult dipterans,...
Short‐term apparent mutualism drives responses of aquatic prey …
Dec 19, 2020 · We found that apparent mutualism (indirect positive interaction) between benthic and pelagic prey strongly affected short-term responses of aquatic food webs to increasing productivity in the presence of a generalist fish.