My Pocket Carry S&W 340PD - Smith And Wesson Forums
Jul 31, 2023 · After a couple of months I decided to settle on the 340PD because it’s so light and I hardly know I have it in my pocket and have been pocket carrying it in a Galco horsehide pocket holster which conforms to my pockets in my cargo shorts or jeans and you wouldn’t guess I was carrying and I can carry it all day and hardly know it’s there.
340pd - Smith And Wesson Forums
Jun 18, 2014 · 340pd Jump to Latest 3.9K views 8 replies 5 participants last post by Bob K Jun 19, 2014
340PD Accurate, full power cartridge? - Smith And Wesson Forums
Jan 8, 2020 · First off, I want to say yes, the 340PD model 103061 is NOT for anyone but the most experienced marksman. It is a brutally punishing little 357 magnum and I did not write this thread to hear whiny accounts of recoil or how I need huge grips. Start a thread on the 30-378 Weatherby for that. My 340PD shoots accurately (but high, as expected) with ...
Low recoil ammo for use in 340PD or M&P 340 revolvers?
Mar 4, 2017 · For the 340PD I chose the 38 cal 158 grain bullet. Standard Pressure Short Barrel Low Flash Heavy .38 Special Ammo - 158 gr. Soft Lead SWC-HC (850fps/M.E. 253 ft. lbs.) August of 2021 price was $31.68 for 20 rounds.
S&W 340PD .357 Worth it? - BladeForums.com
Oct 31, 2006 · The 340PD is 12 ounces. My wife's 642 Airweight .38 +P is 15 ounces. If you're going to carry .38s, you might as well save yourself $500 (retail) and get the Airweight for just 3 ounces more weight. Meanwhile, my all-stainless Model 60 .357 is 22 ounces, much less painful to shoot than either of the lightweights, and about $250 cheaper than the ...
S&W 442 cylinder replacement with 340PD - Smith And Wesson …
Feb 6, 2024 · I suppose you could keep the ratchet from the 442 & put it in a 340PD cylinder if the cylinders are the same length then put it in the 442 frame. That should take care of the timing issues. That should take care of the timing issues.
Cleaning S&W 340PD Titanium Cylinder - Smith And Wesson Forums
Jul 9, 2023 · I know there are probably threads on cleaning the Scandium frame and Titanium cylinder on the 340PD, this is my first one I have owned and I want to make sure I don’t mess up the coating on the cylinder. I have been using Ballistol for cleaning my firearms for many years and never had any...
340pd vs 360 pros cons - Smith And Wesson Forums
Nov 11, 2021 · 340pd vs 360 pros cons Jump to Latest 6.3K views 3 replies 3 participants last post by Fandango1949 Nov 12, 2021
Replacement front sight for a Model 340? - Smith And Wesson …
Dec 19, 2011 · Greg, some of the 340's I've seen have come with XS Sights tritium front-posts on them from the factory, as well as a standard, j-frame red-ramp; you might call S&W's customer service and ask if they can pop a set on yours before they ship it back.
340PD cylinder in 442 to lighten up the revolver.. - Smith And …
Jan 10, 2023 · I purchased this guy; Smith & Wesson Cylinder Assembly S&W J-Frame 357 Mag Titanium And I'm working on fitting it in my 442. It seems to fit just fine in the revolver without sitting on the swing/arm... However, when I attach the swing arm and put it on.. it seems super tight and can't fit...