There she encounters the luminescent creatures, only they do not speak, trading seashells in place of language, and all manner of marine life. Conceived as the plot ... and that’s how I still remember ...
A tanker and a cargo ship crashed in the North Sea off the East Yorkshire coast on Monday. A fire on the tanker continues to ...
Experts warn any spill could severely affect marine life, seabirds, and fragile ecosystems in and around the Humber Estuary ...
From his Bottle Rocket beginnings to his Moonrise Kingdom heights, revisit the characters that defined a legendary filmography ...
All of these researchers are seeking to unravel the life histories of these animals ... The research team analyzed data from 75 nations, including photos and records of seizures in Palestine ...
On the fifth day after the burial of their chief, Seru Moce, 66, and other clan members gathered for a meeting to decide what ...
With his magnificent underwater images, Gerardo del Villar wants to rehabilitate the reputation of the ocean’s great ...
Gabriel Mascaro’s dystopian fantasy stars Denise Weinberg as a spirited Brazilian senior who refuses to bow to ageist authoritarian dictates while she still has dreams and desires. By David ...
The field of paleo-inspired robotics is opening up a new way to turn back time and studying prehistoric animals.
"I've lived here basically my entire life, over 40 years ... High water means less sunlight reaches the aquatic vegetation, which leads to stunted growth. Martin heads the group called Anglers ...