Scrooged is a modern retelling of the 1843 ... Johansen plays the Ghost of Christmas Past as a deranged cab driver who takes Murray to his childhood home back in 1968 so he can understand the ...
Analysis The ghost is surreal and strange. It flickers like a candle and seems to reflect the fact that Scrooge's past behaviour can be redeemed. Gentle How is the Ghost like this? The ghost is ...
Indeed, "Scrooged" very much looks like a movie that wants to scare you. In Donner's version, the Ghost of Christmas Past (David Johanson) is a fast-talking New Jersey cab driver who drives Frank ...
In 1860, cranky old miser Ebenezer Scrooge ... ghost of his former partner, Jacob Marley, who tells him that three spirits would visit him that night. The first one, the spirit of Christmas Past ...
He also appeared in such movies as “Candy Mountain,” “Let It Ride,” “Married to the Mob” and had a memorable turn as the Ghost of Christmas Past in Bill Murray-led hit “Scrooged.” ...
Yet he's the person assigned that year for 'scrooging' to a trio of Ghosts of Christmas: Past (Arlene), Future ... They soon find Peter is no scrooge, rather his stingy father Robert, who hardly ...
“I’m doing a film now at Paramount with Bill Murray called Scrooged,” he told Carson. “It’s going to be a great movie. We’re having a lot of fun doing it. [Bill Murray] is my guru in t ...