Potty training is a major milestone in a toddler’s development, and a real mind f*ck for lots of parents. They’re taking ...
You'll likely have to lower your aesthetic standards a bit. But getting to relish two of life's greatest pleasures ...
Whatever your dog’s particular potty time routine is, there is one common move many dog owners have witnessed— after the deed ...
If you have trouble pooping, a footstool like a Squatty Potty might help make it easier for you to "go." We tested five of them in our homes.
Mistakes will happen. There will be good days and messy days. It is all a part of the process. Handle mistakes with ...
A Ryanair passenger has told MailOnline Travel that she won't fly with the budget airline again after it 'forced' her to pay €75/£62 to take her suitcase on a flight. Kay, a 32-year-old from ...
Are you dreaming booking a Caribbean escape but worried about ending up in a tourist trap? Have no fear, as Tanneka Fleary, travel expert at Golden Grenadine Travel, is here to tell you exactly ...
After a school fundraiser prize caused controversary, with some calling the gift racist. Some parents are now defending the Long Beach school, saying that they were notified about the prizes in ...
Mucus in stool is normal, but it's not usually visible to the naked eye. When it is, you may notice stringy clear, white, or yellow goop in the toilet or clinging to your poop. It may be blood-tinged, ...
Soluble fiber (dissolves in water) and insoluble fiber both offer digestive benefits, but it's the insoluble type that bulks up stool (poop) to improve constipation. Increasing your intake of fiber ...