- Der er tale om en 82-årig kvinde, der er forulykket. Hun er alvorligt tilskadekommen, oplyser Jeppe Holgersen. Ifølge ...
A review of Against the Crisis: Economy and Ecology in a Burning World, by Ståle Holgersen, published by Verso Books. Is it possible to build popular power around the climate crisis as an issue? After ...
"Everyone doubted us from the beginning, and we shut them all down," said senior forward Michael Holgersen. "We've had ups and downs throughout the year, but we got there." Need a break?
BOSTON – It was never supposed to be these Vikings. Hopes of breaking a nearly-50-year title drought rested heavily with last year’s group. But they never reached the ultimate stage, instead ...
Winthrop senior captain Mike Holgersen’s hat trick in the MIAA Division 4 boys’ hockey state championship game on Sunday turned ballcaps into confetti and gave Winthrop its first championship ...
“Everyone doubted us from the beginning. They thought the team was last year,” said senior forward Michael Holgersen. “They thought that was our year, and we just shut everyone down.
Danske Saxo Bank har fået ny majoritetsejer i form af den schweiziske finanskoncern Safra Sarasin Group. Schweizerne har ifølge en pressemeddelelse fra Saxo Bank købt 70 procent af aktierne af ...
En 82-årig kvinde er kommet alvorligt til skade i en trafikulykke på Glyngørevej ved Skive. - Bilen er forulykket af ukendte årsager, siger vagtchef ved Midt- og Vestjyllands Politi Jeppe Holgersen. P ...
“Aidan took the game over and it was exciting,” said Boncore. Aidan’s winning goal was a picture of coolness under pressure as he and senior Mike Holgersen seemed to be playing a suspended-in-time, ...
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