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State officials have wrestled with the sea’s deteriorating condition as its water becomes fouler and its footprint shrinks, ...
Then we’ll expand on some future work that we're both working on as a joint project about mapping aquatic habitats. Lake zones Sean Bertalot: "Let’s start out with some terminology. Down deep, the ...
Scott Martin is a professional angler who has Lake Okeechobee water flowing through his veins. He recently took me out on the ...
Alberta remains 100 per cent free from aquatic invasive species, according to the provincial government — and officials aim to keep it that way. Environment and Protected Areas Minister Rebecca ...
“Best available science on the rivers supporting southwest Montana’s wild trout shows deteriorating and unsuitable habitat for aquatic life,” he said. Fellin said water quality monitoring ...
Tony Doris, the editorial page editor at The Palm Beach Post, was fired after he selected a cartoon that drew criticism from a nearby Jewish organization. Tony Doris was the editorial page editor ...
Trained dogs are used in addition to visual inspections to confirm boaters aren't moving aquatic invasive species between lakes.
“In rural areas soil erosion and livestock waste are the main contributors to this issue, affecting the quality of aquatic habitats and the benefits we derive from water, including things like ...
Wetlands provide habitats for a wide range of species ... thus maintaining water quality and enhancing biological productivity for both aquatic organisms and local human populations.