Jerry Longe, left, as Ebenezer Scrooge and Don Keelan-White, right, as Jacob Marley in the Omaha Community Playhouse’s annual production of “A Christmas Carol.” This photo was taken in November 2022, ...
How is Scrooge like this? Scrooge is stingy with his money and will not even allow his clerk Bob Cratchit to have a decent fire to warm him on Christmas Eve. the clerk came in with ...
The Omaha Community Playhouse is mourning the loss of a beloved local actor. The playhouse said Jerry Longe, known for his ...
The Ghost of Christmas Present takes Scrooge away from the Cratchits' home and presents him with a series of Christmas scenes: a mining family on a bleak moor; the keepers of a solitary lighthouse ...
Longe was tapped to play Ebenezer Scrooge in the Playhouse’s annual rendition of “A Christmas Carol,” immediately following a ...
Parsimonious Victorian money-lender Ebenezer Scrooge, a hated misanthrope stubbornly refusing to believe in Christmas and share his inexhaustible wealth, can't be bothered with the destitute ...
Fan, who dies in the book after giving birth to her son, Fred. Steven Mackintosh and Robin Weaver play Scrooge’s nephew Fred, and his wife Clara. Since The Muppet Christmas Carol, Steven won a ...
Equity actors for roles in A CHRISTMAS CAROL (See breakdown ... Any Ethnicity, Male-identifying, 30-50s. SCROOGE’S clerk. A devoted husband and father. Longsuffering and compliant.
Any Ethnicity, Male-identifying, 20s. A young EBENEZER SCROOGE. Bookish and earnest. Doubles as ELLIS. Comfortable carrying a tune (in character).