Billing & Payment | Toho Water Authority
Life happens and unexpectedly you find yourself in some financial difficulty. We’re here to help. Toho has two programs help you on our Payment Assistance page. Request a payment extension or apply for financial assistance through our TAP program.
Homepage | Toho Water Authority
Toho provides water services to the community that is constantly tested for compliance with state and federal standards and regulations. Water Quality Reports Know your watering days and times for a healthy lawn.
Usage Credit Request | Toho Water Authority
Toho provides a credit adjustment for the highest bill during the high consumption period for qualifying leaks, pool fills or unexplained high consumption. Customers can apply once during a rolling 12-month period.
Customer Service | Toho Water Authority
Toho has two programs to help customers. Payment extension requests gives you more time to pay your bill with no added fees. Our Toho Assistance Program (TAP) offers financial assistance to qualifying customers.
Contact Us | Toho Water Authority
Presently our customer service contact information is dependent on the number of digits in your account number. Please select the corresponding customer service contact information below. Not sure? Just enter your address in the map below to be provided Toho's customer service contact information for your area.
eBills | Toho Water Authority
When you enroll on the online payment portal you are automatically enrolled for e-billing. Let's save some trees. - Hugs and kisses from Mother Nature
St. Cloud | Toho Water Authority
Toho Water Authority has launched this dedicated landing page for our St. Cloud area customers with 8-digit account numbers. This page is designed to provide you with important information specific to your service, including: A guide on how to read and understand your bill ; Updates on Toho’s conservation-based rate system
Payment portal enrollment | Toho Water Authority
On this page you can learn how to enroll in the payment portal to create an online payment account. Once enrolled you can add add a funding source and set up scheduled or auto draft payments.
Common Questions | Toho Water Authority
Call our call center at 407-944-5000. We’re available 24/7. Call Toho first before calling a plumber. We'll be able to tell you if a plumber is necessary.
Start, stop or move your service | Toho Water Authority
Welcome to our service application page where you can apply to start, stop or move your service. Please enter your address in the map below.