Yusra Osman - CEO and Founder - Code Hub for Technology
Yusra Osman Entrepreneur in STEM education | CEO and Founder @Code Hub For Technology | Robotics | AI | Inspiring Youth to showcase their talents | TOT | Embedded System Engineer | R&D | PMP...
- Title: Entrepreneur in STEM …
- Location: Code Hub for Technology
Yusra Osman - Archipel Research and Consulting
Yusra is a Black Canadian anti-racist advocate and educator, registered social worker, mental health counsellor, and researcher. She was the City of Ottawa’s first Anti-Racism Specialist, leading the Anti-Racism Secretariat from 2020-2022.
Staff – Archipel Research and Consulting
Yusra Osman is a Black Canadian advocate with over 10 years of experience in anti-racism work, social services, and mental health support. As Ottawa’s first Anti-Racism Specialist from 2020-2022, she led initiatives to address systemic racism and promote equity.
Our Team – Archipel Research and Consulting
Yusra Osman, MSW ANTI-RACISM SPECIALIST & SOCIAL WORKER Yusra Osman is a Black Canadian advocate with over 10 years of experience in anti-racism work, social...
Yusra Osman - IT Infrastructure planning & Deployment Team …
عرض ملف Yusra Osman الشخصي على LinkedIn، وهو مجتمع احترافي يضم مليار عضو. Infrastructure Planning | Cloud | Linux Administrator · Infrastructure | Planning · الخبرة: Zain Sudan · التعليم: Sudan...
- Title: Infrastructure Planning | Cloud …
- Location: Zain Sudan
30+ "Yusra Osman" profiles | LinkedIn
View the profiles of professionals named "Yusra Osman" on LinkedIn. There are 30+ professionals named "Yusra Osman", who use LinkedIn to exchange information, ideas, and opportunities.
Yusra Osman at Carleton University | Rate My Professors
Yusra Osman is a professor in the Social Work department at Carleton University - see what their students are saying about them or leave a rating yourself.
Yusra Osman - Chairman - CreativeMindsCPH | LinkedIn
Se Yusra Osman s profil på LinkedIn, et professionelt fællesskab med 1 milliard medlemmer. Mentor hos Servisio · Erfaring: CreativeMindsCPH · Beliggenhed: København · 126 forbindelser på...
- Title: Mentor hos Servisio
- Location: CreativeMindsCPH
Yusra Osman - Assistant Resident Engineer - LinkedIn Malaysia
Lihat profil Yusra Osman di LinkedIn, komuniti profesional dengan seramai 1 bilion ahli. Design Engineer / Interface Engineer · Experience in manufacturing,wiring and maintenance of DC Switch...
- Title: Design Engineer / Interface …
- Location: Perunding Eagles Engineers Sdn Bhd
Yusra Osman, MSW – Archipel Research and Consulting
Yusra Osman is a Black Canadian advocate with over 10 years of experience in anti-racism work, social services, and mental health support. As Ottawa’s first Anti-Racism Specialist from 2020-2022, she led initiatives to address systemic racism and promote equity.