Dorje Dermo - Rigpa Wiki
རྡོ་རྗེ་སྡེར་མོ་, dorje dermo, Wyl. rdo rje sder mo; Eng. Vajra Claw) — a wrathful female activity dakini. Within the Vajrakilaya tradition she is the consort of Niladanda of The Ten Wrathful Ones. Her name translates as Vajra Claws into English and may be restored in Sanskrit as Vajra Nakhi.
Vajra-Claw Dakini - Samye Institute
Mar 3, 2023 · Vajra Claw is a wrathful activity ḍākinī, described as dark blue in color, and adorned with charnel ground bone ornaments. Her powerful mantra is found with several variations in the Guhyasamāja, Vajravārāhī, and Vajrakīla traditions.
Vajraṇakhī Series - Lotsawa House
Jun 27, 2019 · A brief historical overview of the wrathful female deity Vajraṇakhī (rdo rje sder mo) or ‘Vajra Claws’. Vajraṇakhī (rdo rje sder mo), 'Vajra Claw', is a wrathful ḍākinī whose mantra has a long history and can be found in various forms in, e.g., the Guhyasamāja, Vajravārāhī, and Vajrakīla traditions.
Vajraṇakhī Dhāraṇī - Lotsawa House
There is a deity called Vajraṇakhī. She is the daughter of the sugatas, The sister of the bodhisattvas, And mother of the wrathful deities. She is the foremost of ḍākinīs, An ally of the vidyādharas, And the sovereign guardian of the teachings. She is the protectress of the Three Jewels, Source of all siddhis,
The Dharani of Glorious Vajra Claws (Dorje Dermo) - FPMT
The FPMT is an organization devoted to preserving and spreading Mahayana Buddhism worldwide by creating opportunities to listen, reflect, meditate, practice and actualize the unmistaken teachings of the Buddha and based on that …
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Glorious Vajra Claws
Glorious Vajra Claws (Dorje Dermo) In Sanskrit: Shri vajra rati ru nama dharani Prostrati on to all the buddhas and bodhisatt vas. Prostrati on to the Three Jewels. When the Bhagavan was residing in the house of Dorje Zom to-gether with a great sangha of monks and a countless Sangha of knowledge-holders, he spoke to the knowledge-holders saying,
A Daily Practice of Vajra Claw - Samye Translations
This short daily sadhana of the wrathful dakini Vajra Claw (Vajranakhi, Dorje Dermo) includes a simple visualization and mantra recitation.
Dhāraṇī Series - Lotsawa House
Dec 4, 2020 · Vajraṇakhī (rdo rje sder mo), 'Vajra Claw', is a wrathful ḍākinī whose mantra has a long history and can be found in various forms in, e.g., the Guhyasamāja, Vajravārāhī, and Vajrakīla traditions.
Vajra Claw - Samye Translations
Vajra Claw—Dorjé Dermo in Tibetan and Vajranakhi in Sanskrit—is a wrathful dakini invoked as a means to protect a practitioner’s domestic space, family, friends, and allies, and to avert any obstacles that might threaten them.
The Dharani of Glorious Vajra Claw - Samye Translations
Vajranakhi (Dorje Dermo), ‘Vajra Claw’, is a wrathful dakini whose mantra has a long history and can be found in various forms in, e.g., the Guhyasamaja, Vajravarahi, and Vajrakila traditions. In this text, her independent dharani, Vajranakhi is invoked as to protect the practitioner’s domestic space, family, friends, and allies, and to ...