Twin Galaxies
Join TwinGalaxies.com, the go-to place for over 40 years to celebrate video game achievements. Dive into competition, share your wins, and connect with friends in an official gaming community!
Twin Galaxies
Note: The above Dip Switches, are not only the FACTORY DEFAULT settings, but are also the correct Twin Galaxies Tournament Settings for this title and will provide the following settings; Number of Jumpman: 3 Score Level for Extra Jumpman: 7,000 Points
Top Player Skill Index - Twin Galaxies
When a member manages to climb a Twin Galaxies leaderboard and reach the #1 position, this is considered to be a Twin Galaxies World Record.
Twin Galaxies
Zaccaria Pinball: Get 5,000,000 points on Combat 1977. The first person to score 5,000,000 points and have their attempt fully adjudicated using TGSAP will receive the Steam code for the DLC.
Twin Galaxies
From the pixelated cockpit of a F-20 Tigershark, you can see a new Twin Galaxies world record on the horizon
The Twin Galaxies Store - Video Game Player Achievement Merch!
Twin Galaxies merchandise is dedicated to the recognition, promotion, support, and elevation of all video game player achievement throughout the world! Get snatched with TG gear while you hit different showing your gamer identity with pride.
Skiing - Twin Galaxies
FOUNDED BY: TWIN GALAXIES. View Rules View All Submissions. Search Per Page Rank 1. Jonathan Ewing. Date Submitted: 2001-08-23. Percent: 100 % ESI: 2.01. Verification Method: Video ...
Twin Galaxies
Note: The above Dip Switches, when properly designated, will give the following Twin Galaxies Tournament Settings, used for this title; Lives: 3 Bonus Life: Every 20,000 Points Difficulty: Hard. Special Rules: You may start your game from from Wave 1 to no higher than Wave 9 [54K Completion Bonus].
Twin Galaxies
Nov 8, 2024 · Please be sure to read the Twin Galaxies Rules and Guidelines as well as the Bounty Creation and Claims Guidelines to learn more about how to participate!
Speedrun - Twin Galaxies
Jan 5, 2023 · Where there's a new Twin Galaxies record, there's sure to be a story about practice, perseverance, and of course, fun. Let's check out a selection of the latest gaming achievements from the week of September 19.