Antheraea pernyi - Wikipedia
Antheraea pernyi, the Chinese oak tussar moth, Chinese tasar moth, or temperate tussar moth, is a large moth in the family Saturniidae. The species was first described by Félix Édouard Guérin-Méneville in 1855.
Tussar silk - Wikipedia
Tussar silk (alternatively spelled as tussah, tushar, tassar, [1] tussore, tasar, tussur, or tusser, and also known as (Sanskrit) kosa silk) is produced from larvae of several species of silkworms belonging to the moth genus Antheraea, including A. assamensis, A. paphia, A. pernyi, A. roylei, and A. yamamai.
Antheraea - Wikipedia
Antheraea is a genus of moths belonging to the family Saturniidae. It was erected by Jacob Hübner in 1819. Several species of this genus have caterpillars which produce wild silk of commercial importance. Commonly called "tussar silk", the …
Antheraea pernyi — “Chinese Oak Silkmoth” - Welcome, visitor!
Antheraea silk is also known as ‘tasar silk’ or ‘tussar silk’ – it is rougher and more textured than the silk of other domesticated silkmoths (such as Samia ricini or Bombyx mori). The whole life cycle! Moth, cocoon and larva
Antheraea pernyi, Chinese Oak Tasar Silkworm - WormSpit
It is referred to as Tussah, Chinese Tussah, Oak Tussah, or Temperate Tussah. It is the source of Tussah spinning fiber that we use in the West. It is a relative of the Tropical Tussah silkmoth, Antheraea mylitta of India, and also related to Antheraea polyphemus, the …
Antheraea Pernyi -- Earthpedia animal
Antheraea pernyi, the Chinese (oak) tussar moth, Chinese tasar moth or temperate tussar moth, is a large moth in the family Saturniidae. The species was first described by Félix Édouard Guérin-Méneville in 1855.
tussar moths (Genus Antheraea) - iNaturalist
Antheraea is a moth genus belonging to the family Saturniidae. Several species of this genus have caterpillars which produce wild silk of commercial importance. Commonly called 'tussar silk', the moths are named tussar moths after the fabric.
Chinese Tussar Moth (Antheraea pernyi) - iNaturalist
Antheraea pernyi, the Chinese (oak) tussar moth (or 'Chinese tasar moth'), also known as temperate tussar moth, is a large moth in the family Saturniidae. Antheraea roylei is an extremely close relative, and the present species might actually have evolved from ancestral A. roylei by chromosome rearrangement.
Genus Antheraea - Indiana Nature
Antheraea is a genus of silkworm moths in the family Saturniidae. Sometimes called “tussar moths,” several species produce a distinctive type of commercially important silk called “Tussar Silk.”
Chinese tussar moth (Antheraea pernyi) - Picture Insect
Chinese tussar moth (Antheraea pernyi). Adorned with eye-like patterns on its wingspan, chinese tussar moth exhibits a remarkable defense mechanism that confuses predators into mistaking it for a larger threat.