Theia – Mythopedia
Mar 10, 2023 · Marble relief showing the sun god Helios with rays of sun as a crown (ca. 300 BCE). Helios' mother Thea was often associated with heavenly bodies and other forms of light. Gary Todd CC0. Homeric Hymn 31, which is dedicated to Helios, elaborates slightly on the unsung Theia, piling epithets on her and even renaming her Euryphaessa (see above):
Amalthea – Mythopedia
Aug 24, 2023 · Amalthea was the name of either the nymph or goat (there were different versions) who nursed Zeus when he was a baby. In some accounts, Zeus honored Amalthea after her death by placing her among the stars as a constellation; in others, he celebrated her by placing her skin over his shield, the aegis.
Demeter – Mythopedia
Apr 24, 2023 · One of the Olympian gods, Demeter was the daughter of the Titans Cronus and Thea and the sister of Zeus, Poseidon, Hades, Hera, and Hestia. Demeter and her siblings managed to dethrone their Titan parents after a decade-long war, naming themselves the new rulers of the cosmos. Though Demeter never married, she did have several children.
Rhea - Mythopedia
Mar 9, 2023 · Rhea was the daughter of Gaia, the primordial goddess of the Earth, and Uranus, the primordial god of the skies. Their union brought forth not only Rhea, but the other Titans as well: Oceanus , Coeus , Crius , Hyperion , Iapetus , Thea , Themis , Mnemosyne , Phoebe , Tethys and Cronus.
Diana – Mythopedia
Feb 27, 2023 · Diana was also associated with the underworld and liminal zones—the boundaries separating the living from the dead and the wild from the civilized. Though she was a Roman goddess, much of Diana’s mythology and personality originated elsewhere. Diana was heavily based on Artemis, the Greek goddess of hunting and nature.
Althaea - Mythopedia
Oct 4, 2023 · Althaea, daughter of Thestius, was the wife of the Calydonian king Oeneus. She was best known for bringing about the death of her son Meleager after he killed her brothers in a quarrel during the Calydonian Boar Hunt.
Oceanus - Mythopedia
Mar 9, 2023 · The firstborn son of the primordial deities Gaia and Uranus, Oceanus had many siblings. These included the Titans Coeus, Crius, Hyperion, Iapetus, Thea, Themis, Mnemosyne, Phoebe and Rhea, Tethys, and Cronus—as well as the one-eyed Cyclopes and the Hecatoncheires, monsters with a hundred hands each. Family Tree. Parents
Oceanids - Mythopedia
Mar 8, 2023 · Some Oceanids, like Doris or Dione, lived with their divine consorts; others, like Perse, lived with their mortal consorts; one of the Oceanids, Styx, was revered as an Underworld goddess through the dreaded river to which she gave her name; and so on. Charon Ferrying Souls across the River Styx by Alexander Litovchenko (1861). The Styx, one of ...
Danu - Mythopedia
Nov 29, 2022 · Though Danu was the mother goddess and namesake of the Tuatha Dé Danann tribe, much about her remains shrouded in mystery. Danu was the source of the tribe's common heritage, as well as its nobility, unity, and power. As a goddess of sovereignty and power, Danu would grant gifts to rulers and those of noble birth.
Cailleach – Mythopedia
Nov 29, 2022 · The Cailleach was also remarkably similar to the Norse deity Skadi, the goddess of winter and darkness, as well as the Germanic Holle, wife of Wotan and master of winter’s cold. Though her stormy hammer closely resembled Thor ’s hammer Mjolnir, the Cailleach’s behavior and appearance were closer to that of Thor’s foes, the frost giants.