Herniated disk - Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic
Oct 24, 2023 · A herniated disk refers to a problem with one of the rubbery cushions, called disks, that sit between the bones that stack to make the spine. These bones are called vertebrae. A spinal disk has a soft, jellylike center called a nucleus.
Mayo Clinic Q and A: What is degenerative disk disease?
Jan 26, 2023 · A bulging disk happens when the outer layer of the disk, the annulus fibrosis, bulges into the spinal canal. A ruptured disk, sometimes called a herniated or slipped disk, happens when the inner part of the disk, the nucleus pulposus, leaks out of the disk through a crack in the annulus fibrosis.
Herniated disk - Diagnosis and treatment - Mayo Clinic
Oct 24, 2023 · A herniated disk occurs when some of the softer material inside the disk pushes out through a crack in the tougher outside of the disk. This can irritate or press on nearby nerves and cause pain, numbness or weakness.
Bulging disk vs. herniated disk: What's the difference?
Mar 12, 2024 · Disks act as cushions between the bones that form the spine. These bones are called vertebrae. Disks have an outer layer of tough cartilage that surrounds softer cartilage in the center. It may help to think of disks as miniature jelly doughnuts, exactly the right size to fit between your vertebrae.
Fusion or disc replacement L4-L5? - Mayo Clinic Connect
Sep 19, 2024 · The main difference between disc replacement and spinal fusion is the mobility of the spine after the surgery. After fusion surgery, the treated area is less flexible and mobile because the vertebral bones of the spine no longer move independently.
Studying cells and gels to regenerate spinal disks
Mar 12, 2024 · Dr. Lu's team is studying how large molecules band together to help bones and connective tissue, such as spinal disks, regenerate. Their preclinical research is probing whether mesenchymal stem cells encapsulated in a biotherapeutic hydrogel could deliver healing messages to torn or ruptured spinal disks.
Back surgery: When is it a good idea? - Mayo Clinic
Jun 19, 2024 · As the spine ages, bone spurs or herniated disks are more likely to happen. These problems can shrink the amount of space available for the spinal cord and the nerves that branch off of it. Back surgery might be an option if other treatments haven't …
Mayo Clinic Q and A: Cervical disk replacement
Nov 22, 2022 · The Food and Drug Administration recently approved cervical disk replacement surgery as an alternative to spinal fusion. Like a knee replacement surgery, the artificial disk allows for full or nearly full range of motion after the surgery.
Stem cells for chronic lumbar pain | Mayo Clinic Connect
Dec 31, 2024 · Cervical spine has advanced degenerative disc disease with multiple osteophytes and herniated discs. Treatment was BMAC -Bone Marrow Aspirate Concentrate. Cells were harvested from my ilium and injected into the facet joints on both sides of C4-7.
Mayo Clinic Q and A: Treatment options for herniated disk
Jan 16, 2018 · A herniated disk happens when some of the softer material pushes out through a crack in the outer layers of the disk. A herniated disk may irritate or compress a nearby spinal nerve root. The result can be back pain or neck pain, …