Sildar Hallwinter - 5etools
When an attacker Sildar can see would hit him with a melee attack, he can roll a d6 and add the number rolled to his AC against the triggering attack, provided he's wielding a melee weapon. Sildar is a kindhearted human man of nearly fifty years who holds a place of honor in the famous griffon cavalry of Waterdeep.
Lost Mine of Phandelver Resources – Updated! – Inchoate Thoughts
Nov 26, 2022 · I used the opportunity to refresh a lot of my Phandalin shop cards and NPC tokens. These new versions feature some higher resolution artwork, fixes for various typos, and more! I also decided to create some additional maps, a new point-of-interest card, and new NPC artwork and tokens!
Sildar Hallwinter - Forgotten Realms Wiki
As a citizen and later town councilor of Phandalin, Sildar's role was to ensure the safety of the town's mining and timber operations, and to see to it that nothing interfered with them. In this way, he strove to help elevate Phandalin to a position of relevance in the region's trade and commerce.
Lost Mines of Phandelver Roll20 Token Pack
The Token Pack contains 41 Tokens in total: This includes all the monsters listed in the Lost Mines of Phandelver module from goblins, flameskulls, giant spiders, ghouls, and a young green dragon. Comes also with tokens for the npcs, Sildar Hallwinter, Droop the goblin and the two Rockseeker dwarf brothers.
Sildar Hallwinter - Any offical full artwork? : r/dndnext - Reddit
Feb 6, 2021 · Sildar comes with a portrait/token but I cannot seem to find any full art of that picture they use. I've seen some deviant art that differs from the official token in these two programs. Has anyone found any official full artwork for Sildar?
Lost Mines of Phandelver Roll20 Token Pack - Tumblr
Selling a pack of tokens for the Lost Mines of Phandelver 5E dnd campaign on gumroad for $2.50. This includes all monsters referenced in the adventure plus some friendly npcs like Sildar Hallwinter, Droop the Goblin, and the Rockseeker brothers.
[OC] [Token] Lost Mines of Phandelver Roll20 Token Pack
May 22, 2021 · The Token Pack contains 41 Tokens in total: This includes all the monsters listed in the Lost Mines of Phandelver module from goblins, flameskulls, giant spiders, ghouls, and a young green dragon. Comes also with tokens for the npcs, Sildar Hallwinter, Droop the goblin and the two Rockseeker dwarf brothers.
Sildar Hallwinter - Search - D&D Beyond
characters have Sildar Hallwinter with them, the knight suggests heading for this inn to find lodgings. If the characters are otherwise looking for a place to eat and sleep, they discover that the Stonehill appears to be the best available option.
Phandelver and Below: The Shattered Obelisk Art Pack - Roll20
This art will be available in the Art Library of all your games. Can include tokens, figures, maps, token borders, or portraits.
How to Run Phandelver Ch 1: Goblin Arrows | Halfling Hobbies
When players first enter this room, Yeemik will grab the barely conscious Sildar and threaten to throw him off a cliff unless the players agree to a “truce.” Yeemik wants Klarg dead so he can take over the Cragmaw Hideout.