Ribbon seal - Wikipedia
The ribbon seal (Histriophoca fasciata) is a medium-sized pinniped from the true seal family (Phocidae). A seasonally ice-bound species, it is found in the Arctic and Subarctic regions of the North Pacific Ocean, notably in the Bering Sea and Sea of Okhotsk. It is distinguished by its striking coloration, with two wide white strips and two ...
Ribbon Seal - NOAA Fisheries
Oct 30, 2023 · Ribbon seals are among the most striking and easily recognizable seals in the world. The ribbon seal gets its name from the distinctive adult coat pattern of light-colored bands or “ribbons” on a dark background.
Ribbon Seal - Facts, Size, Diet, Habitat, Adaptations & Pictures
While sailing in Arctic waters, if you spot a dark brown pinniped with white bands around its neck, flippers, and hips, you can be sure it is a ribbon seal. Unlike other seals, they glide across the ice on their front flippers, moving their heads and hips in a snake-like motion.
Ribbon Seal - Facts, Diet, Habitat & Pictures on Animalia.bio
The ribbon seal (Histriophoca fasciata ) is a medium-sized pinniped from the true seal family (Phocidae). A seasonally ice-bound species, it is found in the Arctic and Subarctic regions of the North Pacific Ocean, notably in the Bering Sea and Sea of Okhotsk.
Histriophoca fasciata (ribbon seal) - ADW
Ribbon seals (Histriophoca fasciata) are native to Arctic regions, occurring throughout icy waters of the northern Pacific Ocean and southern Arctic Ocean. Three populations of ribbon seals currently exist: two in the Sea of Okhotsk and one in the Bering Sea.
Ribbon seal | Arctic, Blubber & Ice Floes | Britannica
Ribbon seal, (Histriophoca fasciata), earless seal of the family Phocidae found in the North Pacific and the Bering Sea. The male, growing to about 1.7 m (5.6 feet) in length and 95 kg (210 pounds) in weight, is dark brown with broad, yellowish, ribbonlike markings.
Ribbon Seal (Phoca fasciata) - Pinnipeds
The ice-breeding ribbon seal inhabits the north Pacific Ocean and the adjacent fringes of the Arctic Ocean, mostly in the Bering and Okhotsk Seas but also seasonally in the Chukchi Sea, western Beaufort Sea and northern Sea of Japan. One …
Ribbon Seal (Histriophoca fasciata) - Marine Life Identification
The ribbon seal (Histriophoca fasciata) is a medium-sized pinniped from the true seal family (Phocidae). A seasonally ice-bound species, it is found in the Arctic and Subarctic regions of the North Pacific Ocean, notably in the Bering Sea and Sea of Okhotsk.
Ribbon Seal - Ocean Connections
Ribbon seals inhabit the North Pacific Oceans and parts of the Arctic Ocean. They are reliant upon the sea ice for mating, molting and caring for their pups.
Ribbon Seal l Visually Distinctive Mammal - Our Breathing Planet
The impressive Ribbon Seal evolved as native to a comparatively broad swathe of the globe. The nature and location of that precise range, however, likely comes as no surprise to anyone. That’s because it’s endemic to portions of Earth’s Arctic and sub-Arctic zone.