MTGCombos.com: Magic the Gathering Combos
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Gilder Bairn: Combos: Infinite Direct Damage using infinite mana …
Steps: 1. Equip Paradise Mantle on Gilder Bairn(abbr. GB)... 2. Tap gilder bairn to produce mana of any color...
Infinite Proliferate (G/U) - MTGCombos.com
This combo also needs Plaguemaw Beast. Pentavus provides creatures to sac, gemstone provides mana for Pentavus, Plaguemaw sacs for proliferate, and intruder alarm untaps …
Mono-Black Insta-Kill - MTGCombos.com
If I don't like you, I'll run 3-card (Living Death) combos: Magister Sphinx + (2) Laquatus' Champions Reya Dawnbringer + (2) Yosei or the 2-card Iona, Shield of Emeria + Painter's …
Infinite Death - MTGCombos.com
1) Put Altar in play. 2) Buried Alive for: Grey Merchant, Great Whale & Archaeomancer. 3) Cast Living Death. 4) Archaoemancer gets Living Death, Great Whale gets you more mana, Grey …
Infinite Rats - MTGCombos.com
May 31, 2010 · The real combo is Marrow-Gnawer plus Intruder Alarm. You can use any rats in place of the Shadow Watchers, and the Stealthsuit is only there to disrupt enemy spells which …
infinite graveyard triggers with undying, mono black mill
You don't need pandemonium, the milling and crypt does the job just fine. Toss in Runed Servitor (2 mana 2/2 Construct, When it dies each player draws a card[Rise of Eldrazi]) to sacrifice …
Instant speed infinite poison to all opponents - MTGCombos.com
Sep 22, 2012 · I know there are more efficient aluren kills such as horned kavu/furious assault, but for my EDH deck, I was trying to think of more options to have handy if that gets disrupted.
infinite landfall - MTGCombos.com
Felidar Sovereign and Gomazoa are not actually part of the combo, replace them with Ruin Ghost and Tideforce Elemental.
Legacy: Infinite Artifact Direct Damage - MTGCombos.com
Note that Triskelion and Tetravus are alternatives, you don't need both. My next Persist based infinite combo. While it shares two cards and some ideas from the mono white inf