Pages - Low Intensity Support Services (LISS) - Maryland …
The LISS program's goal is to ensure that children and adults with developmental and/or intellectual disabilities live happy, healthy, independent lives while being integrated into their communities across their lifespan.
About LISS - Maryland Community Connection
The LISS program uses an automated system called the Random Selection Process to select individuals who may be eligible for funding, granting up to $2,000 for services and items to address their needs.
LISS Selected Applicants | LISS Applications - Penn-Mar
A letter written by a medical professional licensed in Maryland. This must include all of your diagnoses AND a statement that you have an intellectual or developmental disability. If the letter is not clear, the LISS Program Contractor will request additional information to prove your intellectual or developmental disability.
The LISS Program’s regulation is COMAR 10.22.14. To qualify for the LISS Program’s eligible services and supports, there are program requirements which involve submissions of required supporting documentation. One such required document is the Letter of Recommendation Form. This form must be completed when the LISS Program
Letter of Recommendation: The document completed by a Maryland licensed medical/dental/mental health professional who recommends a specific medical/dental/mental health-related service, prescription drugs, therapies or item. This form must not be completed, signed or dated by the applicant/parent/legal guardian.
Vendor Forms - Maryland Community Connection
Streamline vendor processes with our LISS Vendor Forms including W-9, timesheets, recommendation letters, and independent contractor agreements. Discover more!
How Does LISS' Random Selection Process Work? - Penn-Mar
Applicants would receive one of three letters: a selected letter, a not-selected letter, or a denial letter. A selected letter means your request was selected by the random selection process for potential funding. Additional documentation would be required in order to be determined eligible.
The DDA’s LISS Program serves children living at home with their family and adults with developmental and /or intellectual disabilities living in their own home in the community, who are not receiving any supports or services from the DDA. Below are highlights of …
Oct 15, 2022 · LISS Menu Toggle. About LISS; Eligibility Package Assistance Session; Random Selection Application; LISS Eligibility Applications; Applicant and Family Guides; Vendor Forms; ... Revised-Letter-of-Recommendation-Form-052021. Leave a Comment / By Kevin Kelly / October 15, 2022 . Post navigation.
LISS Random Selection Application - Maryland
Applicant's Representative Information: Parent, Legal Guardian, CCS, or Case Worker fills out this section. By signing this request form, I understand I am requesting to participate in a random selection of applicants identified through documentation as having an eligible diagnosis.