keep on going vs keep going on - TextRanch
Aug 22, 2024 · Use "keep on going" when you want to encourage someone to continue with their current activity or to persevere in the face of challenges. I know it's tough, but you have to keep on going. Despite the obstacles, she decided to keep on going with her project.
Keep doing vs. Keep on doing - grammarforexperts
Mar 6, 2019 · Keep doing = to continue or cause something to continue in a certain state, condition or position; do repeatedly. Keep on doing = to keep continuing/trying to do or persist in doing something without any intention of stopping.
Exact difference between "keep doing" and "keep on doing"?
When you say keep on doing X, it means two things: A) you're talking about making X part of a routine or background activity, and B) you were already doing it. Keep on looking at these reports everyday. It can also mean to progress further with a path or course. In these cases you can omit the -ing word if it will be understood from context.
Difference between Keep on+V-ing and Keep+V-ing
Jan 30, 2016 · "to keep doing" is just the shortened form of the older "to keep on doing". There is no difference in meaning. Very often we have the phenomenon that prepositions are dropped in verb constructions.
Keep On Keeping On: Definition, Meaning, and Origin - US …
Jul 22, 2023 · "Keep on keeping on" is about perseverance and resilience, encouraging us to keep moving forward despite adversity. It is often used in situations of difficulty or challenge and can serve as a rallying cry for continued effort and determination.
What is the difference in usage of "go on", "carry on", "keep on"?
Mar 2, 2017 · go on. is often gets used to spur someone or something to start. Don't wait for us, go on ahead. In your case you are continuing to do something. keep on (AmE) carry on (BrE, AmE) are both appropriate.
keep on going | English examples in context | Ludwig
"keep on going" is an appropriate phrase in written English. You can use it to express encouragement, or to suggest perseverance in a difficult situation. For example, "Things may be tough now, but keep on going and you'll eventually reach your goal."
22 Empowering Quotes to Inspire You to Keep Going - Goalcast
Sep 17, 2018 · Life is a battle and the truth is things never get easier; we just find better ways in overcoming obstacles and learn to not dwell on them as much. Here are 22 quotes to inspire you to keep going and remain strong when life challenges you.
Is there a difference between "keep on doing" and "go on doing"?
Keep on: "to continue doing something, or to do something many times." Go on: "a) to continue doing something or being in a situation. b) to continue without stopping". From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
keep going / keep on going | WordReference Forums
Aug 18, 2007 · There is no difference. "Keep on going" is a colloquialism. The "on" is superfluous. If you say "Keep going," it means the same thing. Keep on dancing, keep on eating and keep on studying would all be imperatives. amongst many others, which use this colloquial expression.
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