Indian wolf - Wikipedia
The Indian wolf (Canis lupus pallipes) is a subspecies of gray wolf that ranges from Southwest Asia to the Indian subcontinent. It is intermediate in size between the Himalayan wolf and the Arabian wolf, and lacks the former's luxuriant winter coat due to it living in warmer conditions. [3]
Indian Wolf - Facts, Diet, Habitat & Pictures on Animalia.bio
The Indian wolf (Canis lupus pallipes) is a subspecies of Grey wolf. It travels in smaller packs and is less vocal than other variants of the Grey wolf, and has a reputation for being cunning. The Indian wolf is one of the most endangered populations of Grey wolves in the world.
The Indian wolf | International Wolf Center
Finding that Indian wolves are an ancient lineage puts a needed spotlight on this special animal. With the evolutionarily distinct Indian wolf found only in India and Pakistan, our study urgently calls for a reassessment of its taxonomy to reflect its uniqueness.
Indian Wolf - Facts, Size, Habitat, Diet, Lifespan, Pictures - Animal …
The Indian wolf is a grey wolf subspecies found in west and South Asia. It was initially given species status as Canis pallipes but was assigned as a subspecies of the grey wolf by Reginald Pocock in 1941.
Indian Wolf (Canis lupus pallipes) - World Deer
The Indian Wolf, scientifically known as Canis lupus pallipes, is a subspecies of the gray wolf found predominantly in the Indian subcontinent. Renowned for its distinctive physical features and fascinating behavioral traits, the Indian Wolf is smaller than its northern counterparts.
Indian Wolf (canis lupus pallipes) - Wolf Facts and Information
Apr 18, 2024 · The Indian Wolf has four types of vocalization- howling, growling, whimpering, or barking; They are the only wolf species native to the Indian Subcontinent; They have a speckled coat that closely resembles the desert terrain of India. Indian Wolves can howl at a frequency of 180 decibels, which is louder than a rock concert.
Indian Wolf is One of World’s Most Endangered Wolves - Treehugger
Sep 13, 2021 · Results showed the Indian wolf (Canis lupus pallipes) is genetically distinct from other neighboring gray wolves. The Indian wolf is also one of the world’s most endangered gray wolf...
Indian Grey Wolf: Ghosts of The Grasslands - Sustain
Feb 10, 2021 · Like the tiger, the Indian grey wolf is an endangered species. Protected under Schedule I of the Wildlife Protection Act, 1972, they are a subspecies of the grey wolf. Found across peninsular India in scrub forests, grasslands, and arid and semiarid areas, much of the wolf population remains outside protected land.
The Indian Wolf - Critter Science
Dec 4, 2020 · A subspecies of the grey wolf, the Indian wolf can be found in Southwest Asia to the Indian Subcontinent. Their habitats of choice are scrublands, grasslands, and thorn forests. They lack the thick fur coat of the grey wolf, as they live in warmer climates and don’t have the need for dense fur coats or even much of an undercoat.
Indian Wolf, Wild Animal - IndiaNetzone.com
The Indian Wolf is a subspecies of the gray wolf native to the Indian subcontinent. These elusive creatures inhabit diverse landscapes from grasslands to forests. Highly social, they form packs to hunt prey like deer and antelope.