IWIF - ceiwc.com
Nov 29, 2022 · IWIF is the third-party administrator of benefits for State of Maryland employees who incur work-related accidental injuries and/or occupational diseases.
Maryland Injured Workers' Insurance Fund
e-mail: [email protected]. INFORMATION SYSTEMS Robert Marshall, Vice-President (410) 494-2214 LOSS CONTROL Joseph B. Gillian, Director (410) 494-2014 e-mail: …
You are entitled to accident leave for medical treatment resulting from your work related injury. Complete appropriate boxes below, sign and date form and send to IWIF at the fax, e-mail or …
medical bill information: 1-800-264-IWIF (4943) (toll free) Thomas J. Phelan, President & Chief Executive Officer 8722 Loch Raven Blvd., Towson, MD 21286 - 2235
Claims and Health Services - ceiwc.com
When you log in to eServices, you'll experience a fresh new look, enhanced functionality, and simplified reporting. Look forward to more information soon! We've created an integrated team …
Maryland Injured Workers' Insurance Fund
medical bill information: 1-800-264-IWIF (4943) (toll free) Thomas J. Phelan, President & Chief Executive Officer 8722 Loch Raven Blvd., Towson, MD 21286 - 2235
IWIF’s goal is to provide you with an integrated system of care and benefits for a timely return to work. Maryland employers, including the State of Maryland, are required by law to either carry …
Maryland Injured Workers' Insurance Fund
INJURED WORKERS' INSURANCE FUND Paul Michael Rose, C.P.A., President & Chief Executive Officer 8722 Loch Raven Blvd. Towson, MD 21286 - 2235 (410) 494-2200 fax: (410) …
Maryland Injured Workers' Insurance Fund
e-mail: [email protected]. TERRITORIAL MARKETING Katherine Emanuel, Director (410) 494-2394 Charmaine Kelley, Director (410) 494-2493 Mark Marszal, Director (410) 494-2062. …