I am homesick or I miss home or I am missing home
Oct 16, 2011 · I miss home. or I am missing home Thank you. D. daffyduckrichard193 New Member. Korean Oct 16, 2011
I miss home - WordReference Forums
Oct 4, 2005 · The problem's probably in the translation of 'home' which doesn't really have a nice equivalent in French. 'Ma maison me manque' means 'I miss my house', which is a little …
Miss + infinitive/gerund? - WordReference Forums
Jun 17, 2009 · The only thing I could think of would be if "miss" were used as an ironic subsitute for a verb for the sake of sarcasm. For example, in baseball it is occasionally said that …
I miss you already - WordReference Forums
Sep 4, 2009 · I agree. AE definitely uses "I miss you already." Consider the instance when a boyfriend and girlfriend are spending their last night together. One of them will be leaving the …
EA: to miss (someone) - WordReference Forums
Nov 6, 2008 · The ones I miss are the Egyptians. Instead of el maSreyyiin, you can use en-naas fe maSr, or simply "en-naas" if the context is clear that it's about Egypt's people you're talking. …
miss it back home - WordReference Forums
May 9, 2012 · [1] I like it there. In this example, you add it because there itself cannot be used as the object of a verb as it is an adverb, not a noun or pronoun. Then I wondered how you'd go …
If we (didn't/don't) leave now, we'll miss the plane
May 22, 2015 · Salutations, The sentence below is the standard utterance you would say: If we don't leave now, we'll miss the plane However, somebody used this form instead of the one …
you didn't miss anything | WordReference Forums
Dec 21, 2019 · What's the meaning of "you didn't miss anything"? Source: Incredibles 2 2018 . Enquiring Mind Senior Member.
"Miss ya" - WordReference Forums
Aug 23, 2016 · "Miss ya" is short for "I miss you." It's possible to miss someone these days without ever having met them if you have a fairly long and regular correspondence of some …
board games: miss a turn, miss a go, go forward, go back
Sep 28, 2008 · Wie sagt man bitte auf Deutsch "miss a turn" oder "you miss a go" ? I am trying to make a board game in German and want to put this on the square the participants land on! …