Harned Hall - University of Puget Sound
Joe’s civic and philanthropic work truly exemplifies the values of a Puget Sound education. The university is pleased to name Harned Hall in his honor. H.C. "Joe" Harned '51 Joe Harned was born in Ursina, Pennsylvania, in 1917. An ardent patriot, he served his country in WWII and participated in the Battle of Midway.
Facilities - Biological Sciences
Harned Hall houses the Department of Biological Sciences and provides space for faculty, staff, and graduate student offices, research facilities, and teaching. The Undergraduate Advising Office is located in Harned 117 and the main departmental office is located in Harned 218.
The Occupation of Harned Hall - Austin Peay State University
Late in the winter of 1943, while German U-Boats attacked American ships in the Gulf of Mexico, Austin Peay State College officials scrambled to fortify Harned Hall.
APSU celebrates 90 years of residence life – the heart of the …
Today, Harned Hall is the oldest building on the APSU campus, but as the first official structure built specifically for Austin Peay, it also represents the school’s 90-year commitment to the benefits of living on campus.
Harned - University of Puget Sound
Designed to meet the U.S. Green Building Council’s LEED Silver standards, using sustainable materials and adhering to stringent environmental guidelines, the 51,000-square-foot Harned Hall facilitates the contemporary study of science and encourages creative interaction among faculty and students, particularly at the intersection of various ...
Science Center - University of Puget Sound
Puget Sound’s Science Center, comprised of Harned Hall and Thompson Hall, is home to classrooms, laboratories, and equipment for the study of biology, chemistry, environmental science, geology, mathematics, computer science, and physics.
~ Harned Hall ~ Harned Hall... - Montgomery County Archives
Harned Hall is one of the oldest buildings on Austin Peay’s Campus. The building was constructed in December of 1932. It was named after Myra McKay Harned, who was the wife of the state commissioner of education.
Harned Hall - Facebook
Harned Hall is one of the oldest buildings on Austin Peay’s Campus. The building was constructed in December of 1932. It was named after Myra McKay Harned, who was the wife of the state commissioner of education.
Harned Hall — SRG + CannonDesign
Harned Hall, an expansion of the historic Thompson Hall, is a showcase for the sciences and a magnet for student activity on campus. Serving the departments of biology, environmental studies, mathematics/computer science, chemistry, physics, and geology, Harned Hall was designed to inspire interaction among faculty and students.
HARNED HALL - library3.tnstate.edu
HARNED HALL. When Harned Hall was erected in 1927 at a cost of $ it contained the commercial department, a large assembly hall, teachers' rest rooms, recitation rooms, science laboratories for physics, chemistry, biology, agriculture and private study rooms for teachers.