Petroleum - Guyana Geology and Mines Commission
Jan 29, 2019 · Guyana is divided into two Petroleum Basins named Guyana and Takutu, respectively. The Guyana Basin is further divided into two basins, Onshore and Offshore. …
The structure and tectonics of the Guyana Basin
Apr 6, 2022 · We present interpretations of newly reprocessed seismic data that clearly image the deep structure of the Guyana Basin, including the western transform margin.
Guyana-Suriname Basin | A detailed map of the Suriname-Guyan …
A detailed map of the Suriname-Guyana Basin, highlighting offshore oil and gas exploration areas, petroleum reserves, geological features, sedimentary basins, and maritime boundaries …
(A) Map showing potential reservoir and traps in the Guyana Basin ...
(A) Map showing potential reservoir and traps in the Guyana Basin. These traps include the Cretaceous canyon, Paleogene turbidites, Waini arch, middle Miocene incised valleys, and …
(A) Location of the Guyana Basin showing wells with oil
Guyana Basin is located on the edge of the central Atlantic continental margin of northeast South America, and it lies along the continental shelf of Guyana and Suriname ( Figure 1 A).
The Suriname-Guyana Basin - GeoExpro
Sep 1, 2023 · The Stabroek Upper Creteacous discovery trend has now been extended by Apache and Total into Block 58 in Suriname, and into the Guyana Corentyne Block by CGX …
Topographic/bathymetric map showing seismic and well data …
Download scientific diagram | Topographic/bathymetric map showing seismic and well data from the Guyana Basin used in this study. Bold black lines are the 2D seismic data used in the...
Interactive Map - guyanaandus
The following is an interactive map that shows some of the current locations of oil industry locations in the Guyana Basin.
Guyana-Suriname basin: Rise from obscurity to super potential …
Successful wells in the Guyana-Suriname basin are due to a combination of factors, most of which are technology-related. In the following five years, this area will be at the top of oil and...
Guyana | PDF | Sedimentary Basin | Petroleum Reservoir - Scribd
The document provides an overview of the geology, exploration history, and recent activities in the Suriname-Guyana Basin, including a geological formation that is a source rock for oil, a map …