TIGR - Transportable Interoperable Ground Robot | Roboteam
TIGR is an all-weather, all-terrain tactical robot with superior maneuverability that is well suited for operation requiring moderate payload mobility. TIGR gives ground forces a full tactical intelligence and operational edge in the field.
MTGR - Micro Tactical Ground Robot for EOD and Military …
MTGR is an all-weather, all-terrain tactical robot with superior maneuverability that is well suited for operation with crowds, stairs and substantial obstacles. MTGR multiplies force effectiveness and enhances the superiority of small ground forces.
Unmanned Ground Vehicles (UGV) | Roboteam Products
ROOK is a multi purpose robotic UGV especially designed for easy Payloads integration, for close and long range operations to improve the efficiency in the front lines and to SAVE LIFES. Explore MTGR®
Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) Robot | Roboteam
The MTGR® EOD (Micro Tactical Ground Robot Explosive Ordnance Disposal) system is designed to assist units around the world by engaging explosives and dangerous substances. Agencies are using the MTGR EOD for route clearing, IEDs, checkpoints and vehicle inspections.
The MTGR® (Micro Tactical Ground Robot) platform is a unique and lightweight tactical robot with high maneuverability in any terrain-indoors and outdoors. The MTGR® was specially designed to aid military, law enforcement and public safety
The Transportable Interoperable Ground Robot (TIGR) is a medium-sized, two-man carried UGV. The TIGR is a highly mobile, all weather system capable of operating in any terrain. TIGR incorporates best in class day and night vision modules that expedite IEDD search and CBRN survey operations. The two-meter reach of the 6 DOF manipulator
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MTGR Web - Roboteam
The MTGR® (Micro Tactical Ground Robot) platform is a unique and lightweight tactical robot with high maneuverability in any terrain-indoors and outdoors. The MTGR® was specially designed to aid military, law enforcement and public safety units in …
IRIS - Ultra-Light, Throwable, Tactical Robotic Platform
IRIS is an ultra-light, throwable military robot that gathers intelligence instantly and provides standoff detection and tactical surveillance capabilities
Roboteam will supply the U.S. Marine Corps with hundreds of its …
May 28, 2024, Israel – Roboteam, a leading developer and manufacturer of tactical unmanned platforms for defense and security missions, announced today that it received an initial purchase order to deliver to the United States Marine Corps more than 130 of its Micro Tactical Ground Robot (MTGR) systems, which will be part of a larger order of ...
The Transportable Interoperable Ground Robot (TIGR) is a medium-sized, two-man carried UGV. The TIGR is a highly mobile, all weather system capable of operating in any terrain. TIGR incorporates best in class day and night vision modules that expedite IEDD search and CBRN survey operations.