green isopod | Armadillidae Near me - Wild Exotics USA
Creating a suitable habitat for your Armadillidae sp. ‘Green Spots’ Isopods is crucial for their well-being and vibrancy. Provide a moist substrate rich in organic matter, leaf litter, and hiding …
Troglodillo sp. "Green Spot" - The World of Isopods
Troglodillo sp. "Green Spot" is a rare and sought-after isopod species native to Jackson Falls, Tennessee. Known for its distinctive green spotting, this species thrives in high-humidity …
Cubaris Sp. “Green Laser” - Tropical Isopods
Cubaris Sp. “Green Laser” Purpose: Clean Up Crew and Exotic Pet Origin: Thailand Humidity: High Level: Medium ***PLEASE READ***
Troglodillo - Tropical Isopods
Troglodillo "Soil" Beautiful Trogodillo that is on the larger side. This species displays beautiful lilac hues and white antennas. They prefer high humidity and deep substrate. Usually found under …
⨂ Green Laser Isopod, (Cubaris sp. "Green Laser") - Richard’s …
The listing is for 1x animal, of a highly sought-after species of isopod (rolypoly/pillbug/woodlice) that is infamous for the green band that runs down their back which resembles a laser beam. …
Green Laser Isopods (Cubaris sp.) – Holy-Poly Isopods
Green Laser Isopods for sale! Origins: Thailand Habitat : Prefer a high humidity (60-80%) tropical environment overall (70-78°F) while maintaining ventilation.
Armadillidae sp. ‘Green spots’ Isopods for Sale - My Home Nature
Best price of Armadillidae sp. ‘Green spots’ Isopods by fastest shipping. Live arrival guarantee! Rare & exotic plant & pets. Heat pack & cool pack are used in summer and winter.
Cubaris Sp Green Laser Isopods - Isopod Depot
Cubaris Sp Green Laser isopods are a beautiful species from Thailand. Medium in size and great breeders once established. We find they prefer higher humidity with good ventilation. We keep …
TROGODILLO SP ‘Green Spot’ Isopods – Isoflora
Green Spot isopods are gray in color, with scattered green sp Trogodillo sp thrive in both tropical and temperate environments. They have a harder exterior which doesn't make them ideal as a …
10ct Green Spot Isopods by Succulent Hogs - MorphMarket
Description: 10 count of Armadillidae sp. ‘Green spots’ isopods Mixed sizes (baby, juvenile, subadult). Please note: isopods will come in all sizes and ages. Exact isopods you will receive …