Gengar VMAX Single Strike Deck : r/PTCG92 - Reddit
Oct 5, 2021 · As expected for Dark Pokemon, Gengar VMAX has Fighting Wekaness so it can be easily OHKO by popular Fighting Pokemon like Rapid Strike Urshifu VMAX. It has high Retreat Cost [3 Energy] so it is not worth using Energy to reatreat. The best way to retreat Gengar VMAX is by using "Switch" Item. Gengar VMAX both attacks are very strong.
What are y’all’s thoughts on the Gengar VMAX alt art?
Can’t go wrong with the Gengar Alt vmax. I keep picking them up when I see a possible PSA 10 contender and so far I have 5 copies grading. We’ll see how they turn out none the less it’s just one of those cards that in my mind will go up long term if you’re willing to hold out for the next 5-8 years to see growth.
Gengar Vmax Deck : r/pkmntcg - Reddit
Dec 10, 2021 · Basically copy and paste the Umbreon VMAX deck and make space to slot Gengar VMAX in. So using Houndoom to put Single Strike Energy on your Gengar. I've seen a lot of lists still keep Umbreon VMAX in for it's ability, but I'm trying it without Umbreon and using 4 copies of Cross Switcher instead to compensate, as I want to save bench space for ...
This has been requested quite a few times: card report on Gengar …
As a follow-up to my last post about the Giratina V alt art, here is the card report for Gengar Vmax. This was requested quite a few times, and I can see why: it's gaining a lot in value!! Also, for the people pointing out last time that the Grading Difficulty metric was not entirely fair: I changed it to reflect the percentage of all cards ...
Gengar VMAX (Post-Fusion Strike) : r/pkmntcg - Reddit
Sep 5, 2021 · Here’s my Gengar VMAX list for when Fusion Strike comes out. Thoughts? 4 Gengar V FST 3 Gengar VMAX FST 2 Umbreon V EVS 2 Umbreon VMAX EVS 4 Houndour BST 3 Houndoom BST 1 Single Strike Urshifu V BST 2 Crobat V DAA 4 Quick Ball 2 Air Balloon 2 Switch 4 Evolution Incense 3 Urn Of Vitality 1 Ordinary Rod 1 Pal Pad 4 Professor’s Research …
suggestions on my gengar vmax deck : r/PTCGL - Reddit
Feb 17, 2023 · I run a Gengar VMAX deck, also because I love Gengar lol, but I don't use the Houndoom engine as it makes it too easy to get knocked out imo. in my list I run 4 Mew from Celebrations with Radiant Greninja, then trekking shoes and dark patches, energy search, Raihan. it's fairly consistent at getting a Gengar powered up turn 2.
what expansion set has gengar cards? : r/PokemonTCG - Reddit
Aug 6, 2022 · There’s a great gengar chr card from Dark Phantasma, a recent Japanese set. I think it’s coming in the upcoming English set Lost Origin but don’t quote me on that. Gengar is my favourite Pokémon and the Dark Phantasma card is in my opinion the best gengar card I’ve ever seen. Google search Gengar chr and you’ll see it.
Gengar Vmax alt art going up still, why? : r/PokeInvesting - Reddit
Gengar Vmax alt art going up still, why? So I was really big into collecting, then stopped as it took a toll on my finances so I stopped buying packs. Long story short, I met some girl online who packed the Gengar and posted it on her Snapchat story (this had to have been like almost 2 years ago maybe?), after swiping up and messaging her about ...
Japanese Gengar VMax alt art : r/PokemonTCG - Reddit
Aug 21, 2022 · It was in a high class deck, it was a premade deck you could buy in Japan and when you opened the deck one of the regular Gengar VMax had a chance to be the alternate Art version. If you look up Gengar VMax 020/019 you’ll be able to find it
Does anybody know the chances of getting the alt art Gengar in
Oct 12, 2022 · The japanese version was not released in packs, you have a chance for the alt art to replace a regular vmax when you buy this pre made "high class" deck. It's like a theme deck with an alt chance basically.