Northern Fur Seal - NOAA Fisheries
Northern fur seal pup estimates and Adult Male Counts on the Pribilof Islands, Alaska.
Northern Fur Seal Research in Alaska - NOAA Fisheries
Mar 3, 2025 · We estimate fur seal populations from the number of pups. Young pups are more reliable to count than adults because they remain on land until they are old enough to begin …
A Seal’s Whiskers Record a History of Foraging, Motherhood, and …
May 11, 2021 · Fur seal and sea lion whiskers don’t shed—they grow continuously from before a pup’s birth until the end of its life. Once formed, their chemical makeup does not change. And …
Alaska northern fur seal pups generally remain at sea for 22 months (Kenyon and Wilke 1953) before returning to land, usually at their rookery of birth but with considerable interchange of …
Alaska northern fur seal pups generally remain at sea for 22 months (Kenyon and Wilke 1953) before returning to land, usually at their rookery of birth but with considerable interchange of …
Estimates and/or counts of northern fur seal pups born on the Pribilof Islands and Bogoslof Island. Standard errors for pup estimates at rookery locations and the CV for total pup production …
Northern fur seal pup weights, Pribilof Islands, Alaska, 1957-present
This database contains northern fur seal pup mass and length data by date, island, rookery and sex on the Pribilof Islands, Alaska, collected between 1957-2016. Mass has been used as an …
Rare Albino Fur Seal Pup Stands Out - NOAA Fisheries
Sep 17, 2020 · NOAA Fisheries Affiliate Vladimir Burkanov discovered an albino fur seal on a recent research trip to the remote island of Tyuleny in the Sea of Okhotsk, Russia. The reddish …
The Pribilof Pup Count: From Land & Air - Post 3 - NOAA Fisheries
Aug 20, 2021 · Fur Seal Pups. Credit: NOAA Fisheries. The way it works is simple. You mark a certain number of animals, let those animals mix back into the population, and then count the …
Estimates and/or counts of northern fur seal pups born on the Pribilof Islands and Bogoslof Island. Standard errors for pup estimates/ counts at rookery locations and the CV for total pup …