Research has identified many risk factors that contribute to falling—some of these are modifiable. Most falls are caused by the interaction of multiple risk factors. The more risk factors a person has, the greater his/her chances of falling. Healthcare providers can lower a person’s risk by reducing or minimizing that individual’s risk factors.
Fall prevention: Simple tips to prevent falls - Mayo Clinic
Jun 14, 2024 · Falls put you at risk of serious injury. Prevent falls with these simple fall prevention measures, from reviewing your medications to hazard-proofing your home. Fall prevention is an important topic to consider as you get older.
Facts About Falls | Older Adult Fall Prevention | CDC
May 9, 2024 · Falling once doubles your chances of falling again. Research has identified many conditions that contribute to falling. These are called risk factors. Many risk factors can be changed or modified to help prevent falls. They include: 5. Use of medicines, such as tranquilizers, sedatives, or antidepressants.
Falls and Fall Prevention in Older Adults - StatPearls - NCBI Bookshelf
Jun 4, 2023 · Fall risk escalates as the number of risk factors increases. The 1-year risk of falling doubles for every added risk factor. It starts at 8% with no risk factors and increases by up to 78% with four risk factors.
Falls - World Health Organization (WHO)
Apr 26, 2021 · Falls are the second leading cause of unintentional injury deaths worldwide. Each year an estimated 684 000 individuals die from falls globally of which over 80% are in low- and middle-income countries. Adults older than 60 years …
15 Surprising Things That Can Increase Fall Risk - AARP
Jan 30, 2025 · Here are 15 surprising things that can increase your risk of falling, plus advice on how to lower your risk. Medications can keep you healthy, but side effects that can cause dizziness, blurry vision or a delayed reaction time can make you more prone to falling.
How can we prevent falls? - Mayo Clinic Press
Feb 21, 2025 · Dr. Takahashi: The big thing about falling is when we’re in our younger years, like in our 50s, I look at that as being if you have risk for injury, then certainly being aware of falls can be a really big deal. And so the big things I always think about, Christy, will be if people are taking medications that would cause really significant ...
Lower Your Risk of Falling - MyHealthfinder | odphp.health.gov
Mar 4, 2025 · Follow these steps to lower your risk of falling. Get physical activity. Staying active can help you feel better, improve your balance, and make your legs stronger.
Preventing Falls and Hip Fractures | Older Adult Fall Prevention
May 9, 2024 · Ask your doctor or health care provider to evaluate your risk for falling and talk with them about specific things you can do. Ask your doctor or pharmacist to review your medicines to see if any might make you dizzy or sleepy. Include prescription medicines and over-the …
Understanding Modifiable vs. Non-Modifiable Fall Risk Factors
4 days ago · Essential Points: Know Your Risk Factors: Fall risks are divided into modifiable (like muscle weakness, home hazards, and medication side effects) and non-modifiable (such as age, genetics, and chronic conditions). Understanding both helps you take proactive steps. Take Action Where You Can: While you can’t change your age or past falls, you can improve balance, strength, and home safety ...