Home - Village of Elk Mound Wisconsin
The Village of Elk Mound is located at the intersection of Interstate 94, US Highway 12 and State Highways 12, 29 & 40, offering fast convenient access to Menomonie, Eau Claire, and Chippewa Falls. Minneapolis / St. Paul is just over an hour drive away.
Area Information - Village of Elk Mound Wisconsin
Click on the links below to view various maps of the Elk Mound Area. These maps require Adobe Acrobat Reader.
Welcome / About - Village of Elk Mound Wisconsin
Elk Mound is a cozy home from the bustling work place. Located ideally close to the surrounding communities of Chippewa Falls, Menomonie, and Eau Claire, two miles to I-94 and all points East, West, North or South. The major metropolitan area of …
The Elk Mound Library and Community Center is celebrating it’s 10 year anniversary! Please visit the Library to Refreshments will be provided courtesy of the Menomonie Public Library. The solid waste and recycling hours will remain the same throughout the year. Wednesdays from 1 pm to 5 pm and Saturdays from 8 am to 3 pm.
Fire Department - Village of Elk Mound Wisconsin
Elk Mound Fire District. Colin Feuster, Fire Chief E202 Menomonie Street Non-Emergency Phone: 715-879-5432 Email Address: [email protected] For Emergencies – Call 911
Village of Elk Mound lerk-Treasurer Absentee Ballot Requests If you wish to continue to receive a ballot by mail, please fill out a new request for 2024. Requests need to be renewed annually. Thank you!
Report from Elk Mound/ olfax Solid Waste & Recycling The unit has been working to inform residents that a new fee schedule for items that are not considered household garbage or recyclables has been updated. Vendors who will dispose of these items at the lowest cost possible are being located.
Solid Waste & Recycling - Village of Elk Mound Wisconsin
Colfax/Elk Mound Solid Waste Site Normal Hours of Operation: Winter Hours November 1st to March 31st: Wednesdays 12 p.m. to 4 p.m., Saturdays 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Summer Hours April 1st to October 31st: Wednesdays 1 p.m. to 5 p.m., Saturdays 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Government - Village of Elk Mound Wisconsin
Elk Mound Village Hall E206 Menomonie Street Phone: 715-879-5011 Fax: 715-879-5851 Email: [email protected]
Payments - Village of Elk Mound Wisconsin
Village of Elk Mound Mailing Address: PO Box 188 Elk Mound, WI 54739 Phone: 715-879-5011 Email: [email protected]