Domus - Wikipedia
Surrounding the atrium were arranged the master's family's main rooms: the small cubicula or bedrooms, the tablinum, which served as a living room or study, and the triclinium, or dining …
The Roman Domus - World History Encyclopedia
Jan 18, 2012 · The domus included multiple rooms, indoor courtyards, gardens, and beautifully painted walls. Atrium: The atrium was the central hall, almost like a modern-day foyer, and it …
Roman House: Domus, Insulae, Villas, and Other Types of Roman …
Jan 7, 2021 · The architecture of most Roman houses, from the grand domus to the humble insula, reveals a world where each room and architectural element played a key role in the …
Smarthistory – Roman Domestic architecture: the Domus
The domus as a general architectural type is long-lived in the Roman world, although some development of the architectural form does occur. While the sites of Pompeii and …
The Roman Domus (House): Architecture and Reconstruction
Apr 8, 2020 · From the historical perspective, the Roman domus (house) was oddly enough not exactly ‘Roman’ in its character. Rather it was possibly inspired by a few older Mediterranean …
The ordinary house (domus) consisted of front and rear parts connected by a central area, or court. The front part contained the entrance hall (vestibulum); the large reception room …
The Roman Domus - World History Edu
The Roman domus was a private house occupied by the wealthier classes of ancient Rome, typically those belonging to the upper class, or patricians, and later by plebeians who achieved …
Domus | Ancient Rome, Architecture, Urban Planning | Britannica
domus, private family residence of modest to palatial proportions, found primarily in ancient Rome and Pompeii. In contrast to the insula (q.v.), or tenement block, which housed numerous …
What is a domus in ancient rome? - Ancient Rome - Explore the …
Apr 7, 2023 · A domus was a large and luxurious private residence in ancient Rome. It was typically built with a central atrium, or courtyard, with various rooms leading off of it. The …
What does domus represents for the ancient romans?
Mar 8, 2023 · The main room of the domus was the atrium, which served as a reception area and contained a central hearth for warmth and cooking. Other rooms in the house typically …