Eyeworm Disease (Thelaziasis) in Dogs - Merck Veterinary Manual
Eyeworms (Thelazia californiensis and T. callipaeda) are parasites found in dogs, cats, and other animals, including humans, in the western United States, Europe, and Asia. They are whitish, 0.5 to 0.75 inches (7 to 19 millimeters) long, and move in a rapid snake-like motion across the eye.
Eyeworm (Thelazia californiensis) in Dogs - Wag!
The Thelazia californiensis species of dog eyeworms are whitish worms found in the eyes of domestic dogs and cats. Humans have been known to become infected, but it is very rare. The eyeworms visibly move across the dog’s eyes in a rapid, serpentine motion.
Eyeworm Infection in Dogs - PetMD
Jan 18, 2018 · Read on to learn all about eyeworms in dogs and what can be done to treat and prevent them. Eyeworms (Thelazia californiensis is the most common species) are transmitted to dogs through contact with certain kinds of flies.
Thelaziosis Dog Eyeworms - What and Why? - Boehringer Ingelheim
Have you heard of thelaziosis? In Europe, some fruit flies host an emerging parasite known as “eyeworm”, an infestation which causes more or less severe conjunctivitis, sometimes leading to corneal ulcers and even blindness in dogs.
Eyeworm Infection in Dogs: Symptoms, Causes, & Treatments
Aug 8, 2022 · Eyeworm infection in dogs is caused by a parasite called Thelazia californiensis. Dogs can pick up the condition from flies. All dogs can be affected by the condition.
CDC - DPDx - Thelaziasis
Spirurid nematodes in the genus Thelazia are primarily veterinary parasites, but may occasionally infect humans. The majority of zoonotic infections involve T. callipaeda (the Oriental eye worm). T. californiensis (the California eye worm) and T. gulosa (the cattle eyeworm) are less common causative agents.
Dogs And Eye Worms: Understanding The Risks And Prevention
Jun 8, 2023 · Learn about the risks and prevention of eye worms in dogs. This article explains the symptoms of the parasite, how it spreads, and what you can do to keep your furry friend safe. Read on to discover what steps you can take to protect your pet's eyes and avoid infections.
Eye Worms in Dogs - PetCoach
Eye worms are diagnosed by examination of the dog’s eyes. The eye worms can usually be seen, however it might be necessary to place the dog under anesthesia to thoroughly examine the eyes. The eye worm can infect dogs, cats, sheep, deer, and other mammals and cause a disease known as thelaziasis.
Eyeworm Infection in Dogs: A Closer Look | PetCareRx
May 2, 2023 · A dog eye worm is caused by a dog eye parasite known as Thelazia. The infection happens when an infected fly, usually a face fly, feeds on an infected animal's tears and then deposits the worm's larvae onto the eyes of an uninfected dog.
Ocular Worms in Dogs and Cats: What You Need to Know
Oct 17, 2024 · Ocular worms, primarily Thelazia californiensis and Thelazia lacrymalis, are nematode parasites that infect the conjunctiva and surface eyes of dogs and cats. Thelazial worms are white, and about 10-14 mm in length.