Delta Burke, 66, after consulting with her tailor on the details of a ...
Sep 8, 2022 · Delta Burke, 66, after consulting with her tailor on the details of a custom-fitted shirt [post redacted because linking to dailymail.co.uk clearly indicates that the poster is either a troll or an idiot (probably both, honestly.)
Tell me the story of the decline of Designing Women - the Data …
Dec 4, 2021 · Annie Potts teased Delta Burke years later in a group interview that her main memory of the period of in-fighting and troubles on the set was that Delta was so depressed and nearly catatonic that they'd practically have to carry Delta from the dressing room to the stage for the pre-show introduction to the studio audience...
CDC labels emerging Covid 'Delta Burke Variant' a 'growing …
Jul 29, 2021 · CDC labels emerging Covid 'Delta Burke Variant' a 'growing concern'. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Director Linda Bloodworth-Thomason issued her gravest warning yet Thursday about the highly contagious Delta Burke variant, which has driven a sharp increase in new Covid-19 cases across the country.
Delta Burke has opened up about using CRYSTAL METH to lose …
Apr 23, 2024 · Omg this poor woman lived a life of fighting her weight, so much so, she allowed her health to suffer by using meth to lose weight she must have a mental illness (or either HOLLYWOOD is a fucked up place.
Delta Burke Wears Suzanne Sugarbaker Shirt with Artwork by Glen …
Jul 3, 2022 · She had a fun line of clothing on QVC (a little tacky and a lot of fun) called Signatures by Delta Burke. Some of the designs were from doodles that she would do on her scripts. They were quite fun and kitschy.
Why did Delta Burke and the Thomasons really feud? - the Data …
Jun 30, 2022 · Delta and Harry fucked casually but weren't right after that ended. Linda tried to make peace between them but it didn't take. In the end, Delta had to hit the road.
Let’s be honest. Designing Women was a terrible show. - the Data …
Jan 3, 2023 · Losing both Delta Burke and Jean Smart really was a huge loss, as much as I love Julia Duffy and Jan Hooks. I realize all these years later that I really didn't care for Mary Jo. I like Annie Potts but I found MJ to be very grating at times. Suzanne and Charlene (and even Julia) had the right combo of sass and sweetness. I found MJ too dull.