The Queensland Bush Stone-curlew - Land for Wildlife
Nov 25, 2019 · Bush Stone-curlews are considered common in Queensland but since no monitoring of the species has been carried out in South East Queensland, it is possible that …
Bush stone-curlew - Wikipedia
The bush stone-curlew or bush thick-knee (Burhinus grallarius, obsolete name Burhinus magnirostris) is a large, ground-dwelling bird endemic to Australia. Its favoured habitat is open …
Bush Stone-curlew - BirdLife Australia
The Bush Stone-curlew is a large, slim, nocturnal, ground-dwelling bird, unlike any other bird in Australia. The Bush Stone-curlew was formerly quite common but has declined in numbers …
Bush stone-curlew | Environment, land and water - Queensland …
Bush stone-curlews are found across most of Australia, living in open forests and woodlands, near watercourses or swamps. This shy species lives in pairs or loose flocks occupying a breeding …
Screaming woman? Nope, it's a bird - Australian Geographic
Nov 28, 2013 · Gangly yet impossibly graceful, the bush stone-curlew (Burhinus grallarius) is a nocturnal, ground-dwelling bird that makes its home in Australia’s open forests, grasslands, …
Bush stone-curlew | Redland City Council
The bush stone-curlew is found in lightly timbered open forests and woodland which provide the best habitat for nesting and camouflage. They can also be found in swampy paddocks, …
Species profile— Burhinus grallarius (bush stone-curlew)
Species profile— Burhinus grallarius (bush stone-curlew) This information is sourced from the WildNet platform managed by the Queensland Department of Environment, Tourism, Science …
Bush Stone-curlew - eBird
Distinctive large shorebird with long legs, enormous yellow eye, heavily streaked underparts. During the day stands or sits under small trees/shrubs, often in small groups. When disturbed …
Bush stone curlew | Sunshine Coast Council
The mostly nocturnal bush stone curlew (Burhinis grallarius) specialises in hunting small prey including; lizards, frogs, invertebrates, snakes, small mammals as well as seeds. Usual …
Bush Stone-curlew | Queensland Wader Study Group
The Bush Stone-curlew is a long-legged inland wader, with cryptic streaked plumage. Its eerie call echo through the night air. Adult: Most of the head and neck is grey streaked with black. There …